03. dad of the fucking year

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But after Kronos took control of their world, came a prophecy that said that the offspring of Kronos would eventually over-throw him, and Kronos, riddled with paranoia, had to do something about it. 

He had married and lay with his sister Rhea, but every time she produced a child and presented it to him; he proceeded to swallow the child whole. He did this with 5 children; Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon, before Rhea decided she had enough of his bullshit. 

The next time she gave birth, she handed Kronos a rock swaddled in blankets, and he swallowed it. Rhea was satisfied, but she couldn't have her son, Zeus, grow up near his father, so she left for Crete and had him raised there by nymphs and the Goddess Amalthea

Years later, when Zeus was grown, he chose the Titaness Metis (Titaness of Good Counsel, Advice, Planning, Cunning, Craftiness and Wisdom) as his wife. Metis told Zeus about a potion that would force Kronos to vomit out his siblings. 

Zeus thought that perhaps with their help, he would be able to deal with his murderous father (family issues am I right?). And so, Zeus disguised himself as a cupbearer and hid in Kronos' court. Such a job would allow him to slip the potion into his father's wine. 

Kronos loved the idea of people being eager to serve him, and so he allowed Zeus to serve as a cupbearer, and on his first day being that, he slipped the potion in. Suddenly, Kronos retched forward and puked out his children in the reverse order that they had been swallowed; Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and then Hestia. 

Zeus and his wife Metis escorted Zeus' siblings out as Kronos laid on the ground moaning in pain. Zeus knew that the majority of the Titans would be helping Kronos, considering he was their King. But then he remembered that his grandmother, Gaea, still wept over her children that were still locked away. 

And so, he hurried to the underworld, killed the dragon guarding the doors and freed his uncles, allowing them to leave. All of them together found a place to call their home, Mount Olympus. The Cyclops were so delighted at their freedom that they fashioned gifts for the Gods who had helped them. 

For Zeus, they made his infamous lightning bolt, that the God could throw at his enemies, but this one bolt took all three of them to complete, one gave it brightness, the other the roar of thunder and the last added the fast-moving lightning itself. 

For Hades, they created a helmet of invisibility, more commonly known as the Helm of Darkness, and for Poseidon they made his Trident. 

The war between the Titans and the Olympians lasted for 10 years, with the Olympians ultimately being the victors. 

Zeus chopped his father up into little pieces with his own sickle and tossed him into Tartarus. he gave the general and leader of the Titan army Atlas the punishment of holding up the sky/heavens for all eternity. 

Then he split the world into three for him and his brothers to control; he took the skies, while his brother Hades took the underworld, which gave him control over not only the dead Titans but also every other soul that crosses the River Styx into the Underworld. Poseidon took reign over the oceans and seas, but he also had control over earthquakes and horses. 

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