15. primordial deities

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*i may have mentioned some of these before, but i'm just gonna list them all*

- achlys: goddess of poisons

- aether: god of light and upper atmosphere

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- aether: god of light and upper atmosphere

- aion: god of eternity, personifying cyclical and unbounded time

- anake: goddess of inevitability, compulsion and necessity. 

- chaos: personification of nothingness

- chronos: god of empirical time

- erebus: god of darkness and shadow

- erebus: god of darkness and shadow

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- eros: god of love and attraction

- gaea: mother earth and mother of titans

- hemera: goddess of day

- hypnos: personification of sleep

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- hypnos: personification of sleep

- nemesis: goddess of retribution (revenge)

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- nemesis: goddess of retribution (revenge)

- the nesoi: goddesses of the islands and the sea

- nyx: goddess of night

- the ourea: goddesses of mountains

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- the ourea: goddesses of mountains

- phanes: god of procreation

- pontus: god of the sea, father of fish and other sea creatures

- tartarus: god of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld - the tartarean pit

- thalassa: personification of sea, consort to pontus

- thanatos: god of death

- ouranos: god of the heavens, father of titans

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- ouranos: god of the heavens, father of titans

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