01. the start of this whole mess

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Before all the Gods, and even the Titans (yes; there was stuff before Zeus and Kronos); there was only Chaos. Because everything had to come from something, and that something was Chaos. 

Chaos was essentially the universe, the gaping emptiness, just it was everything. And because Chaos has no gender; no matter how many people think Chaos is a 'he', it isn't. Chaos is genderless. Out of all that emptiness, came three others.

Chaos birthed these three primordial deities;

1. Gaea (Gaia): Gaea was the Earth, the literal personification of Mother Earth.

2. Tartarus: The eternal pit into the Underworld, the namesake of the Tartarus Pit, where all the bad guys were dumped into, yeah, that's him. 

3. Eros (greek 'Cupid'): Personification of Love. Some stories say that Eros was the child of Aphrodite, and others say that he was birthed from Chaos, which I personally think is cooler. 

As soon as there was love; Chaos and Gaea were able to make more... children? Sure, let's call them children. 

Chaos gave birth to another two

4. Erebus: Who was basically Darkness

5. Nyx: Who was the literal Night

Following the birth of Erebus and Nyx, the pair united (yes; in that way) and out popped another two; Aether (light/air), and Hemera (Day). And promptly after, Nyx left and gave birth to a ton more kids all by herself, as she was feared by everyone except her brother Erebus. 

She sired a whole line of kids; Moros (Fate), Ker (Doom), Thanatos (Death), Hypnos (Sleep), Oneiroi (Dreams), Geras (Old Age), Oizus (Pain), Nemesis (Revenge), Eris (Strife), Apate (Deceit), Philotes (Sexual Pleasure), Momos (Blame), and the Hesperides (Daughters of the Evening). Aren't they such a happy bunch?

Now, let's go back to Gaea, she gave birth or Ouranos (Starry Sky). And following his birth, he became her husband (ew right?) and they produced three SETS of kids, not three kids, three groups of children. 

The first group was three one-eyed beings that were called Kyklopes (Cyclops), following those were three hundred-handed beings called Hekatonkheires (Hecatoncheires), and then the last group were the well-known Titans

The first two groups were so ugly in Ouranos' eyes, that he had them tossed into the Tartarean Pit because he couldn't bear the sight of his ugly kids, dad of the millennia, am I right?

The Titans however, were the next BIG thing after the primordial deities, and so Uranus was ok with them, because they actually looked good. Gaea and Ouranos produced twelve Titans, 6 Titans, and 6 Titanides (female Titans). 

1. Kronos (Cronus): Titan of Harvests and the personification of destructive Time. Leader of the Titans (even though he was the youngest Titan). 

2. Koios (Coeus): Titan of Intellect

3. Krios (Crius): Titan of Constellations (father of Astraeus, Pallas and Perses)

4. Iapetos (Iapetus): Titan of Mortality (father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas and Henoetius)

5. Hyperion: Titan of Light (father of Helios, Selene and Eos)

6. Okeanos (Oceanus): Titan of all-encircling river oceans

7. Rhea: Titaness of Fertility, Motherhood and Mountain Wilds. Sister and consort of Kronos (mother to Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus)

8. Theia: Titaness of Sight and the Shining Light of the clear blue sky. Consort to Hyperion (mother to Helios, Selene and Eos)

9. Phoibe (Phoebe): Titaness of 'bright' Intellect and Prophecy. Consort to Koios

10. Mnemosyne: Titaness of Memory and Remembrance (mother of Nine Muses)

11. Themis: Titaness of Divine Law and Order

12. Tethys: Titaness of Fresh Water

eonia (greek mythology)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon