10. hephaestus

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*i made a little aesthetic for hephaestus*

Hephaestus was the son of Hera, one she had alone just to spite Zeus

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Hephaestus was the son of Hera, one she had alone just to spite Zeus. But he didn't turn out as she hoped, and she ended up tossing him off the side of Mount Olympus. 

Hephaestus was the God of Fire, Metalworking and Crafts. He was known to be the smith of the Gods, and his sacred animals were the Donkey, Guard Dogs and Crane Birds. 

After he was tossed, he landed in the sea, and was rescued by one of the fifty Nereids. And she raised him in a secret underwater cave. As he grew, he discovered that his hands were crafty, and he was good at making things, like the Elder Cyclops. 

But after nine years, the day came when Hephaestus would go back to Olympus and get his revenge on his mother Hera for tossing him away as though he was nothing but trash. He rode right into Olympus and shocked the rest of the Gods. 

Hera was the most shocked, but she tried to hide it. Hephaestus had brought new thrones for all his family. But, when Hera sat on her throne, invisible ropes tied around her and the more she struggled, the more they tightened. Hephaestus explained what his mother had done to him, and then saddled his donkey and promptly left to the mortal world. 

Zeus had gotten fed up of seeing Hera tied up, and he sent Ares to get Hephaestus so that he could free her, but the god of fire simply ignored his brother. Ares left. All the others tried to convince Hephaestus to free his mother, but he refused and they were losing hope when Dionysus spoke up. 

Dionysus headed off to Hephaestus and talked to him, no threats, he just chatted to him and spent time with him. Dionysus got Hephaestus drunk and convinced him to set Hera free. 

When Hephaestus found out that his wife Aphrodite was cheating on him with Ares, he was not very happy. He made a net that would attach to anything and when it did, it would harden like cement and keep the person it caught motionless. 

So, he pretended he was going to his forge, hung up the net above his bed like an invisible canopy and left. Aphrodite invited Ares in and they had some fun in Hephaestus' bed. The net dropped and they both struggled, and that was when Hephaestus burst in, axe in hand. 

So, he gathered the other Olympians and led them to what he trapped. Ares and Aphrodite were humiliated. 

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