07. prometheus did an oopsie

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The story of Prometheus is one that is very well know, but I'm still gonna tell it because why not. Prometheus was known as the Titan of forethought, and he was the son of Iapetus, and brother of the famed Atlas. 

Prometheus was one of the Titans that had supported Zeus in the war against the Titans, and because he did, and his idiot brother Epimetheus had not supported anyone, they were allowed to live. But the same did not apply to their brother Atlas. 

Prometheus is also known as the creator of mankind. He had moulded the clay into human shapes, and Athena had blown life into the clay. 

The two brothers were meant to give the humans skills they needed to survive, but Epimetheus has spend his skills on the other creatures of nature and had nothing to give to the humans, so Prometheus gave them fire and other skills to help them build their civilisation. 

But, as smart as he was, he was nothing compared to Zeus, and so he had to rely on his cunning side. Zeus wanted the humans to worship and sacrifice parts of animals to the Gods, and so Prometheus made two piles. One pile was bones covered in glistening fat, and the other was the best and choicest meat covered in the animals ugly stomach. 

Zeus chose the glistening fat and was thus tricked by his cousin, causing him to be furious, and in order to get his revenge, he stole fire back from the humans and let them live in darkness, eating their meat raw. 

But Prometheus being the idiot that he was, stole it back and returned it to the humans. So, Zeus was going to punish Prometheus for this, and also the humans for accepting the fire from the Titan. 

He had his son Hephaestus create a new human; one of incredible beauty, and then each God and Goddess gave the human something. Zeus had Hermes give her a deceiving heart and and a dishonest tongue. And that was how the first woman was created- Pandora. 

Zeus commanded her to take a jar that contained every bad thing that ever could exist sealed in it, but at the very bottom contained one good thing; hope. He gave it to her but commanded her to never open it. 

Pandora was sent to stay in the realm of humans with Epimetheus, the dullard brother of Prometheus. Prometheus however knew that Zeus would be sending something to his brother, and so warned him not to accept anything from Zeus. 

But as soon as Epimetheus saw Pandora, he could not reject her, so he neither accepted her, not rejected her, and saw that as an acceptable action in listening to both his brother and his heart. 

But because Pandora had so many conflicting traits, she eventually disobeyed his commands and her curiosity got the best of her, so one day she crept to the kitchen, got a knife and pried the jar open. 

Floods of darkness came rushing out, knocking her to the ground, and when she finally got up, she saw a warm glow in the jar, but afraid it was something even worse, she shut the jar and locked the only good thing inside. 

As for Prometheus, Zeus had two servants who helped him in manners relating to punishment; they were called Violence and Force. He ordered them to take Prometheus to Kazbek Mountain in the Caucasus. And there they chained him to a large rock with chains that Hephaestus had made from an unbreakable substance called adamantine.

Then Zeus had an eagle eat his liver every day, and because Prometheus was immortal, his liver would regenerate and he would suffer the pain for all eternity. 

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