Daddy Damon

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Archers pov

Dad and Damon ended up staying over that night, having a barbecue in the back garden with the whole pack, who I finally got to meet now that I knew I'd be living with them and they were all so lovely and welcoming to me.

Apparently the news that the pack would be moving down south and merging with my own went down pretty well since a lot had wanted a fresh start after the attack a few years ago and I think the thought of having such a large pack as protection was the icing on the cake.

To say I was beyond ecstatic would be an understatement, I was getting to be with my mate, who as I said before is beyond perfect and I get to be with my family, something this morning I didn't think would be possible.

Damon drops down in the garden chair next to mine with a huff, as I sit watching William and Olivia's four-year-old daughter chase Logan around the garden, her little laugh filling the air making me smile.

"Do you want kids" I spit out my drink at Damon's question making his laugh as he repeatedly smacks my back.

"I only met my mate yesterday, I think it's a bit early to be thinking about that!" I say choking half way through.

"Yeah I know but like in the future?"

"Oh! well yeah course I do" he nods his head a bit staring off into the back garden where everyone is chatting away happily "why do you ask anyway?" we never talked like this before, we hardly talked in general to be honest but I sort of loved it, I guess you could say Damon had matured over the months I was away, maybe having another person to think about does that to you.

"I think Jax might be pregnant" he says, his eyes never leaving the tree line though.

"What!" I shout causing a few people to looking in our direction including Logan who I give a weak smile to "w-why do you think that?" Damon's eyes finally meet my own now, blown wide in panic.

"I don't know" he runs a tired hand through his hair "he's been so tired lately and then a few days ago he kept throwing up like all day, at first I thought he might just be sick or something but then last night I caught him in the kitchen at three in the morning dipping watermelon into peanut butter"

I laugh at that "like what the fuck and when I asked him about, he just said he was craving it for some reason" Damon might of matured the last few months but he defiantly wasn't ready for a baby and I think we both knew that as we fall into silence.

"Have you told him male werewolves can get pregnant?" Damon miserably shakes his head "come on that should have been the first thing you told him before actually having sex with him!"

"I know but he was in heat and it was all a spur of the moment kinda thing and I heard it's like really hard for males to get pregnant anyway"

"Yeah but not impossible" I declare, because come on what was he thinking then again, I doubt he was "have you spoken to dad abut it" he shakes his head.

"I only put everything together on the drive up when I on the phone to him and he randomly started crying"

"I think you need to speak to him and then I don't know do a pregnancy test or something" he nods giving me a small smile.

"Thanks Arch"

"It's okay" I smile "Daddy Damon" his eyes shoot to mine making us both burst out laughing.


They both decided to stay for three days to help William sort everything out for the move, while our end sorted out one of our properties only a couple miles away, it was the old pack house from when we were much smaller but it still had loads of room and land for William's pack to live on.

The last few days had been amazing; I'd settled in easily with everyone and me and Logan had time to really get to know each other which just made me like him that much more. He was easy going and always laughing with me and everyone he came into contact with, he also never missed a moment to be affectionate towards me, he was more than I could have ever asked for.

Me and Damon had also been getting on more since our little chat at the barbecue, you could even say we'd been brotherly bonding much to dad's surprise. We even ended up speaking to the only other gay couple in the pack, they had been together for nearly six years and had only just had a baby last month, explaining that yeah it is usually harder for two male to have a baby but Damon and Jax must just be luck, I don't think Damon felt very lucky right now though.


The house was pretty quiet now as a group of us sit in the kitchen, beers and spirit bottles littering the counter top as we all laugh along to dad's stories of when me and Damon were younger, more about Damon's adventures and poor me getting dragged along with him, which everyone seemed to fine hilarious.

I lean into Logan's side and he wraps his arm around me to keep me there, which I have no problem with as I snuggle in more as Damon's phone starts vibrating away on the table top, Simon's name flashing on the screen.

Putting the phone to his ear as we all quieten down to listen to the other end.

"what's up Sie?" he asks confused.

"Damon I can't find Jax!" Simon's panicked voice fills the room making Damon jump to his feet.

"What do you mean you can't find him!?" he shouts making his eyes flash orange as his wolf comes closes to the surface.

"I saw him this morning but he said he wasn't feeling well, I-I thought he just stayed in his room resting but I just went up to check on him and he isn't there"

"Have you checked the whole house?" Damon starts pacing the room now while all of us are on our feet.

"Yes of course he's not here, I even had Seth go to his parent's house but they said they haven't seen him since he packed all his stuff up months ago" Damon's on the move at that heading to the door with all of us following behind him to the door.

"I'm coming now but I'm going to be a few hours" he eyes shoot to dad's in a panic, dad takes the phone from him straight away.

"Simon, I want every available person out looking! all the estate needs searched, every house and room" me and Logan follow them out to the car "I want people in the woods searching and the town. Keep me updated on everything" Simon gives a yes Alpha before the line goes dead.

Dad nods at me in understanding that I'm coming along as I getting into the back of car while dad drives, Damon in the front trying to ring Jax but he's not answering.

"I'll keep you updated" Logan shouts from the car window as he slides in next to me as we zoom out of the dirt road, Damon's leg bouncing a mile a minute as he keeps trying Jax's phone.

"Why isn't he answering" he groans but keeps trying.

"We'll find him son" dad assures as he speeds well over the limit along the country lanes, Damon drops his head into his hands now the only sound being the ongoing call sound.

"He's pregnant"


"I think he's pregnant" dad's eyes stare at me now through the mirror looking shocked and I give him a little nod of confirmation.

"shit!" dad says putting his foot down. 


Where's Jax gone thought?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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