Damaged Material

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Damon's POV 

We drove for the next hour with either of us muttering a single word, just the music playing low in the background, Jax sat staring out the window the whole time, watching the green fields pass by that were dotted with little white sheep, until we reached a little town in the middle of no-where. 

The small village only held a B&B, a cafe, corner shop and a pub, apart from that it was just a few houses spotted around. Pulling into the B&B's car park, with only one other car apart from my own currently sitting on it. I cut the engine which now leaves us in utter silence for the first time since I picked him up.

"So is this okay" my words seem to bring him back to life and out of the daze he had gone into.

"Yes it perfect, thank you. Ill give you some money for petrol" waving him off "I insist, you didn't have to rush to fetch me when you did and you definitely didn't have to drive me all the way out here, you don't even know me and you did all that" 

"Well I'd like to get to know you if you'd let me that is?" his face scrunched up at that, had I read the whole situation wrong, was he not into me in that way, oh god had I forced the whole kissing thing earlier. Jax turned around fully in his seat to stare at me now. 

"Do you need glasses or something?"

"Urm no I've actually got perfect vision why?" he was staring at me now like I was the dumbest thing to walk the earth. 

"How about we start with this" he gestured around his face. 

"Your face?"

"Yes lets start there"

"Well I do really like your eyes their like this green that" 

"No!" he cut me off running his hand tirelessly through his hair "I mean are you playing dumb or just bring nice?"

"You've lost me" whatever point he was trying to get across I obviously wasn't picking up on, which I could see was stressing him out but I just thought his face was beautiful, everything about him was in fact. 

"Can you not see the chunk of plastic in my ear, without this I cant hear and if you try talking to me on my left your fucked because I cant hear a thing" 

"I don't understand what your getting at, so you have hearing problems it doesn't bother me"

"Well it bothers me" a single tear slips from his right eyes "then there is the scars and you've only seen the ones on show" he lets out a humourless laugh as more tears start to fall and I don't know what to do, he looks in pain "God what would people think if someone like you" he gestures he hand up and down my body "was seen with someone like me" and that's when he completely breaks down, Sat in my car in the middle of no where, with me the most useless person when it comes to emotions. 

"Jax look I really like you and want to get to know you more, you could have three head and I'd still want to because yes your good looking even if you think your not because of some extra bits. I still do but more than anything your sweet and I had such a good time with you yesterday, like the best in such a long time" pulling my sleeve down I start trying to wipe at his eyes "so please don't cry because as you might of guessed im useless when it comes to emotions sorry" he lets out a little laugh at that.

"I noticed" we both sit smiling at each other now and I'm so glad the tears have stopped "so today's total mental breakdown hasn't put you off me?"

"Not even a little, so how you go book a room and I go to the shop and get loads of junk food and we watch a movie?"

"Your staying, didn't you say you was already in trouble with your dad" I wave him off because my dad is the last thing on my mind right now, not when Jax is in front of me like this "you sure" 

"My problems will be there when I get home and did you really think I was going to leave you in the middle of nowhere, what sort of gentleman do you take me for" he laughs as we both jump out the car, him grabbing his small bag while I get my wallet from the dash. "right I'll see you in a bit" he smiles and heads inside while I go to empty the corner shop.

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