The Truths Out

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Nothing quite sobers you up than watching a guy you've been sharing a room with for three days, who you just tried to seduce because you thought he was into you, only to have him reject you right to your face then literally run away from you and change into some big ass dog wolf thing.

Like was my head really that fucked up that I imagined that happening!

Well since he wasn't here anymore it had to be true. So that's how I find myself running around some woods at four in the morning looking for said dog wolf. I'd only been out here about fifteen minutes but I was already soaked to the bone forgetting to grab my coat in my panic of course, leaving me in just my joggers and t-shirt, neither of which was really protecting me from this down poor, British weather for you that.

"DAMON!" I start shouting because I was tired and freezing and really just wanted to go to bed at this point but I had to find him, it was my fault he was out here in the first place; I should have stopped drinking or better yet never drank in the first place. Me and alcohol never went well together, I always got drunk way to quickly and usually ended up making a fool of myself because of it just like tonight but I'd just wanted some liquid confidence.

I really liked Damon, he was nothing like I thought he would be, really, I just thought he was some fuck boy that would try it on with me but instead he turned out to be sweet and funny and he'd been so caring towards me these last few days, but I'd not done anything with anyone in years now, whereas he'd probably been with a different person every night. I just wanted to try kissing him without having a full-blown panic attack is all but now look what I'd done, gone and ruined everything.

"DAMON COME ON ITS FREEZING, I JUST WANT TO GO TO BED" I start shouting again into the endless woods like anyone could hear me before jumping out my skin when I hear russeling behind me "Damon is that you?" I saw the eyes first, a glowing pair of orange eyes that stared into my literal soul, then came the huge pitch-black wolf that now stood a few feet in front of me, his head reaching my chest.

The scream got lodged in my throat because of course I'd get eaten by a big fuck off wolf, just because I got drunk and tried to seduce a boy, my heart was about to come out my chest with the rate it was going. Putting my hands out in front of me to somehow try and keep it away from me, like that was going to do anything against this beast.

"Please just stay back" my voice came out stuttered and barely above a whisper but then this motherfucking gigantic animal whimpers at me as it lowers itself onto its stomach flattening it ears, those beautiful orange orbs staring up at me from where it lay as it continued to let sad whimpers out. What the hell was going on!

"D-damon?" I asked like a crazy person but the wolf actually whimpered back in response, as it raised its large head of the ground. "if it's you please turn back" it jumped to its feet at my words which just made me have a literally heart attack and jump back like ten feet but it ran off behind some trees leaving me alone once again.

Just as I'm thinking I had a crazy moment out pops Damon in its place, only he's buck naked, dripping wet and heading right for me like a bull dozer.

"You're the craziest chilliest human I know" he beams as he wraps me in his arms lifting me of the ground in a bone breaking hug "who the fuck tries to reason with a wolf" he lets out this deep laugh which I feel as his chest rumbles against my own.

"Damon oh my god put me down your naked!" I protest as I try to squirmier out his tight grip, which just causes him to laugh even more before placing me back on the ground and taking a step back.

"Really that's what you care about right now, not the whole I just changed into a wolf but the fact my dicks hanging out" at that my eyes automatically drop to said body part and my eyes nearly bulge at the size of him, I was going to casually try hopping on that tonight, after years of not getting any, I would of broken in two. "eyes up here sweetie" and with that my face burns a nice cherry colour I just know it.

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