Dating app's suck

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Archer pov

Okay this was ridiculous, no one on this so-called dating app wanted to date. All any of them seemed to be looking for was a quick fuck or a dick picture, neither of which was happening. I swiped right on a few more guys before closing the app down, was it really that hard to find someone that simply wanted to go on a few dates to see what could happen, apparently so.

Maybe dad was right I should start looking around at the other packs for someone, then again the subs I was interested in were usually the ones with the most people interested in them, so of course their alpha would only be willing to let them go for the best alliance and sure my dad had a lot of packs wanted an alliance with us but no alpha would agree to such a weak dominant taking one of their prized subs from them. As Damon would say I'd have more luck if I just let some big Dom pound my ass already and maybe he was the tiniest bit right but the dominant in me just wouldn't allow it, however small that part was.

"Archer get off that phone" Joe's gruff voice shouted from the other end of the corridor, I turned to see the angry looking dom walking towards me, Joe always seemed to be in a mood for some reason or another, so really his expression never did change much. "that's the fifth time today I've had to tell you about being on your phone, what's so interesting that you risk getting into trouble for" he snatched the phone from my hand and started looking at the screen, god I wished I'd locked it before he'd grabbed hold of it, he scrolled through it for a minute, the longest minute of my life may I add. "oh, Archer a dating app really" he gave me a pity look, making me want to disappear "you won't find a mate on here it's for hook up's, even I know that" oh great made to feel like crap by the forty-year-old mateless guy.

"Look I know. Damon's just been saying shit as usual and I just thought why not have a look, can't hurt can it?"

He flipped the black iPhone around in his hand, shaking his head "I guess but just stay off it while you're working because next time I'm keeping it" and with that he turned and started back of down the corridor muttering to himself "go see what the other shit head is up to" as he turned out of sight. I started hoovering the hall again maybe I should just do the whole going around pack's thing, it would make dad happy and it would mean not having to be around Damon for a while which is always a bonus, I'll talk to him about it later if he isn't busy.


"You really want to try it then" dad looked beyond shocked as we sat face to face in his office, him behind a large oak desk in a black leather chair, while I sat on the other side on an uncomfortable wooden chair fiddling with the sleeve of my dark green jumper. I nodded and a huge smile overcame my dad's face as he turned back to his computer "right so we would start with the closest packs first of course which would be blood creek, silver wood and I guess we could always try hazel stone, they're a very traditional pack but you never know I guess. Okay I'll start writing something up to send to the three alphas, see if we can get an invitation for this week or the next. Right so just to be clear what are we looking for?" I watched from where I sat on the other end of desk as dad started typing away on his keyboard.

"A mate" my head tilted to one side.

"No son I mean what sort. Man, women, a sub, dom, middle rank or just not bothered" dads' eye's lifted from his computer to stare at me.

"Well a sub preferably" I started picking at the skin on the edge of my nails now, I knew where this conversation was going, this wasn't the first time we'd talked about mates, it was just the first time I said I'd try the going around packs thing.

"Look Archer there isn't anything wrong with not wanting what your brother want's, he's a strong wolf of course he's going to end up with a sub but you, well your..." his voice trailed off, but his eyes never left mine.

"Well what? I'm a dominant too. I know I'm not the strongest, so everyone can stop keep telling me like I don't know but either way I want a sub" I could feel myself pouting, yeah really helping the argument I know but I was so sick of everyone pointing out stuff I couldn't help and already knew.

"I'm going to be honest with you son a wolf with you status" his eyes looking me up and down as he spoke "it's going to be hard for me to convince an alpha to part with a sub for a wolf like you, you'd be best looking in the middle ranks or even for a dom-" I cut him off before he could say that word.

"I'm not some bitch I don't need a man to protect me" I was full blown pouting now like some scolded child unable to get its own way but I was sick of this conversation.

"I never said that son, not being the dominant partner doesn't make you a bitch, you know that's not how mates work"

"Well it does to me" I was about ready to leave at this point, this conversation always ended the same, didn't matter who I spoke to about it, it was always look for a dominant, it's easier. I just wish for once someone would listen to what I wanted for a change not what was the norm or the easiest.

"Okay" his hands raised in surrender "I'll put looking for a sub slash middle rank" his left brow raised in question.

"Fine" crossing my arms in defeat, great now I defiantly looked like a sulking child.

"Most of these should get back to me within the next few days so I will keep you updated " I stood while he finished off his letter, the accident printer started up in the corner gurgling out sounds "I'll have a couple middle ranks take this one over to hazel stone, Gemma still won't have any technology in her pack, ruins traditional values apparently" shaking his head with a smile, that pack really did still live in the stone age, their alpha refused to have any technology, none of its members even went to school, she was really big on the whole traditional lifestyle.

"Anyway, I best get back, see if Joe needs anything else done before I head to bed, I'm shattered" my body slumped at the thought of my soft bed waiting for me as I turned for the door handle to leave.

"I hope this will be the last punishment" I could hear the disappointment in his voice which made my inner wolf want to show his neck to his alpha.

Turning back to face my dad running his fingers through his greying once jet-black hair, Damon really was the mirror image to our father when it came to appearance where as I took on my mother's softer features "For me anyway, I'm done with Damon getting me into his shit"

"You say the same thing every time son, just do as Joe says for the next few days and I'll speak to you both at the end of next week" his eyes left mine and back to the papers that scattered his desk, which I took as the conversation was finished so I headed back to the angry dominant. 


ever tried writing with peppa pig blaring in the background while your baby tries to feed your laptop puffs so blaming any mistakes on her  :)

hope you liked this part please vote and comment if you did. 

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