Jaxson Anthony Roggers

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Jax's pov

Slumping back into the old bus seat, watching the rain droplets splashing against the window, the bustling high street filled with people, blurring by as we picked up speed.

Why the hell did I agree to another date, internal face-palm times a thousand.

Like sure he was a sweet guy and I could tell he was trying, like really trying but... It just wasn't there.

Zero chemistry!

Unlike with Damon, who was constantly popping into my head all the way through the date, with that flirty smile of his and those tight arms of his wrapped around me all night.

And worst of all they had to be related, no way could two people look so much alike and not share some kind of DNA, which just makes this whole thing way more awkward.

What if I start dating Damon and then Archer is hanging around looking like a sad kicked puppy because he thought I liked him back, I know it was only one date and people go on loads but still I couldn't stand to think I'd hurt someone's feelings or miss lead them.

Then again it was like zero-point one percent that anything like a relationship would come out of meeting Damon, he's probably just looking for a quick fuck before he moves on to the next but he'd been so sweet yesterday and this morning. I could feel myself smiling like a twelve-year-old school girl, over her first crush, like God pull yourself together Jax! You promised yourself you wouldn't do this again, not after last time.


Dragging my feet up the long street, since of course the bus stopped nowhere near my house, cars lining both sides of the road but only one stood out to me. The silver Vauxhall Astra with that white fish symbol stuck to the back window, as it sat parked outside the house, shit they were home early, they weren't due till tomorrow.

I was going to get rid of all the rubbish somehow and I'd even booked a man to come put a new window in in a few hours, to replace the one that had been broken last night, why was they here now.

Pushing open the front door only to be greeted by the two black bags of rubbish that I'd finished cleaning up this morning, along with my parents matching black suitcases.

"Jaxson Anthony Roggers get in here now!" mom's high pitch shout filled the house, ugh the whole name thing, definitely in for it. Mom sat at the kitchen table with her phone sat in front of her, her short blonde hair, streaked with grey was a mess from running her hands through it, everyone always says I take after her in the looks department.

Not only did I get my small height from her, thanks again for that mom, but our faces were almost identical, even down to my feminine looks came from her. Whereas I looked nothing like my dad who was a burly 5'11 man with a shaved head, god I wish I'd gotten some of his height at least.

"We have been calling you for the last hour, what's the point of you having a phone if you're never going to answer it?" one angled eyebrow shoots up.

"It died while I was out" my eyes shoot from my mom's face to my dad's, as he leaned again the sink, in a casual pair of blue jeans with a black button up shirt on, he's staring just past my right shoulder in thought "Sorry"

"We don't pay for you to have a phone if you're not going to at least keep it charged so we can get in contact with you, where even was you?"

"I was urm..." my eyes shoot to my dad again only this time he's looking directly at me, steel blue eyes burning into my own "I went on a date" I admit dropping my head in the process.

"Are you fucking serious Jaxson!" dad voice raises louder than both mine and mom's, filled with pure anger.

"Terry please" mom pleads.

"No Janet after what happened last time, he nearly died. I know your head got banged around but I didn't think it made you this dumb"

"Terry!" she shoots him a sharp look at that. "Who did you even go on a date with?"

"Someone I was talking to online" I admit but as soon as I do, I wish I hadn't.

"So, a fucking stranger of the Internet and the house what the hell happened to it?"

"A party"

"A party! He thought he could go having parties in my house while I'm not here!" That vain in the side of his head was starting to pop out.


"No! I've had it with him. I understand you went through a terrible ordeal but that doesn't mean you have to make our lives a living hell" he now stood right in front of me, I only know because his large black boots now stood touching the toes of my red converses.

"Ever since we got you back all we've had is a moody teenager again that locks himself in his room, the only time you speak to us is to argue and now this, your twenty Jaxson not thirteen again" he threw his arms up to gesture at the room

"Parties, broken windows, neighbours calling us complaining about hundreds of teenagers drunk at our house with music blaring to all hours" I finally look up to them steel eyes searching mine in anger "Mrs O'connor told us she saw you kissing an older man on the doorstep, for everyone to see Jaxson, how embarrassing is that for me and your mother to hear, everyone at church will know by Sunday"

"I'm sorry if my sexuality embarrasses you"


Before I even knew it, my dad's hand had connected with my face, the sound echoing off the four walls of the kitchen, then my mom's huge intake of air, as she gasps.

"Don't talk back to me in my own home Jaxson, now get to your room, if you're going to act like a kid, we will treat you like one"

Before he could even finish his sentence I'd already started running from the room, not stopping when mom shouted my name, not till I was safely in my bedroom, door slammed shut as I slid down it hyperventilating.

Dad had never raised a hand to me, not once in my whole twenty years but the worst part of all this, that one hit had caused all the flashbacks of him to come flooding back. 


Yass so finally get to see things from Jax's pov

Wounder what happened before 🤔

Anyway thank you for reading so far and please vote and comment so I know what you think x

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