Best Friend

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Damon pov

Seth waited exactly zero-point one second's before he started his interrogation, switching off the pop punk song that had been playing on the radio to give me his full undivided attention.

"Sooo this is new" he wore the biggest shit eating grin known to man right now, with a playful twinkle in his hazel eyes, he tried keeping his eyes on the road that was slowly becoming less busy as we headed towards home but he still kept chancing glances in my direction.


"You've never stayed at someone's house overnight and especially not when your already in the Alpha's bad books" I shrugged "come on!" his voice raised as he dragged out the last word but not in anger, he still had that grin plastered on his face "I'm supposed to be your best mate, so who is he?"

I could hear the tease in his voice which made me let out a sign, acting as if I didn't want to talk about the only thing, I wanted to talk about nonstop.

"His names Jax" Seth's eyes shoot to me, waiting I guess for me to carry on, to start gushing like a school girl about her first crush but when I didn't that smile of his finally drops.

"Really is that all I'm getting his bloody name, why you being all secretive about him..." he paused turning back to the road, turning onto one of the narrower county lanes, his eyebrows frowned as he thought.

"Fuck Damon! Is he your mate?" I gave him a nod "geeze I'm sorry" a fizzle of anger passed through me from my wolf, who thought Seth was being disrespectful of our mate but I knew he didn't mean it like that.

"Down boy"

"No need, like I know I've always gone on about not wanting a mate-"

"Yeah a lot" Seth cut me off.

"I know but then I met him and I don't know" I shrug in embarrassment, like it's okay for me to think of all this gushy mate stuff in my head but not to actually say it out loud, again it'll ruin my badass rep I've got going on. "look all I'm saying is, you'll understand once you meet yours"

Flipping the radio back on to get away from this conversation, which is weird I've never felt this awkward around Seth but then again we've never sat around and talked about our feelings, even after my mother died, he wasn't my shoulder to cry on, not that I did cry much but he was more the one who got me out my own head and usually in trouble, I guess we just don't have that type of friendship.

"I guess. Anyway, if your happy I'm happy for you" that big lopsided grin was back in full force now showing of his perfect white teeth, as he tapped the steering wheel along with the beat, "so when do I get to meet him properly?"

"Soon hopefully"


Reaching the pack house, it was eerily quiet for once, no loud adolescent doms messing around or pups playing outside, I shoot Seth a questioning look.

"Everyone's gone into hiding as soon as Alpha came home, he shouted at Tommy as soon as he walked through the door"

"What for" anger shot through me at that, the omega wasn't anyone special to me but he'd been through a lot, after losing his mate and then being demoted but still he'd always done as he was told.

"Wrong place, wrong time. He didn't know alpha was in a mood and came to ask him something. Alpha called him a whore and outing him to the pack, he's been sneaking off to the local town and sleeping around for money, been trying to get enough saved to move away I heard" shit he was thinking of going rogue.

"Fuck I didn't know that"

"No one did, apparently Alpha found out before he went on his trip but was going to have a quiet word with him once he got back" Seth shrugged, he never had anything to do with the omega and even though I'd only slept with him once in a while, he still didn't deserve to be screamed at and embarrassed, he was just hurting and didn't know how to deal with it.

"That's shit" Seth nodded.

"Best get in there and get this over with. Keeping him waiting isn't going to help" grabbing the door handle and jumping out but Seth stayed seated.

"You not coming in" he shook his head.

"Got an interview at the local uni"

"You. Uni?" I asked in shock, he'd never spoken about going to university, not to me anyway, I thought he was just going to carry on having fun before he came my bata.

"Yup. One of us had got to do something with themselves. Can't all be future Alphas" his face spread in to his usual too big smile, which caused me to do the same, it was just infectious like that.

"Right, well good luck with that" with one last nod at each other we both set off in our own direction, Seth to the start of his new future and me to be screamed at by my dad like I'm still five. 

It's a Match (boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon