Totally A Moment

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(Anything in italics is his wolf talking)

Damon pov

I could practically hear the invisible clock ticking by the seconds before Jax mumbled a "sorry", he hadn't so much as looked at me once, just stared at his comforter, deep in thought.

He may be my mate but I was never one to really understand other people's emotions, much less know how to deal with them when they surfaced, I'd always left things like that to Archer to sort out, while I went through life only caring about one person's feelings, my own.

He goes to speak again but I quickly get in a "it's okay" that's what people say right, to make someone feel better. He peaked up at me through his messy hair, blonde strands falling into his eyes from sleeping, he looked absolutely adorable, I just wanted to reach over and pull him into my lap but was scared in case he pulled away again.

"I suffer from nightmares, waking up with you in my bed freaked me the hell out" he looked back down half way through speaking, now messing with a lose blue thread he'd found. "sorry for making this whole morning after thing awkward" okay Damon think of something that will make him feel less awkward.

"So nightmares ay?" the mental face palm didn't feel enough I wanted to actually slap myself, why must my stupid mouth feel the need to talk about the one thing, he obviously didn't want to talk about was beyond me.

His eyes shot up at me, obviously thinking I'm an inconsiderate twat, which I guess I am.

"Urmm yeah" he mumbled, just get up and leave this poor boy alone Damon, he's pure and doesn't need your stupid emotionless ass ruining him.

"You are an ass human" my wolf grumbled in annoyance.

"Geeze thanks buddy" I quickly thought back to him.

"But don't you dare leave our mate or I'll leave you" the threat was there, clear as day. A wolf could chose to leave its human, well not leave exactly but more shut them out, I'd heard it happened to a lot of rogues, their wolf just gave up on them, none of that matters anyway because the last thing I was going to do was leave Jax. In the night I'd spent with him, even if it was only a short time, he had become everything I needed and the thought of spending forever with him was actually exciting.

Like the way I used to find sleeping with different people but now the thought of getting to sleep with Jax for the rest of my life, to get to wake up to his face next to mine, made my future look more promising, more than what it looked yesterday, rubbish alpha that fucks around a lot. Bring my attention back to him as he clears his throat ready to speak, I'm guessing to explain the whole nightmare deal, which I could tell he wasn't comfortable doing, but he thinks he needed to.

"Look I shouldn't have asked. Obviously you don't want to talk about it and the last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable, especially not around me" the pink tint raised to his cheeks again making me smile, he really is the cutest, how did I get so lucky.

"So I've got about twenty minutes before my lift gets here, so how about you give me your number and we plan when I'm taking you out" get in there Damon bring back that confident self, he's your mate and you're going to make sure he knows it, even if he doesn't actually know it know it.

"You want to see me again?" he asks in honest confusion, why I have no idea. I thought all the big fuckers would be banging down his doors to get their hands on a cute thing like him.

"Fuck yeah I do!" he'd gone bright red now at my shouting, all the way up to the tips of his ears, as he began nibbling on his lip.

"Tone it down! You look plain desperate"

So instead of letting any more embarrassing shit slip out my big mouth, I just hand him my phone to put his number in, which after he searched my eyes for like a full second making sure I was serious, he started typing in the digits along with his name, I knew a goofy smile was spread across my face but I just couldn't care less, I had his number now.


By the time we got out of bed and downstairs it was nearly time for Seth to be here, Jax had threw some toast in the toaster, mumbling about how breakfast was the most important meal of the day and how I needed to eat something after drinking the night before. He sounded like a worrying mother which I thought was plain adorable that he cared already about me.

But in all honestly I felt sick at the thought of having to face my dad in an hours' time, he was going to be beyond pissed at me for sneaking out and not returning, like I'd been caught before but I never stayed out this late the next day, especially when I was already grounded, I always tried to stay on his good side when that happened.

Then again I could just drop the whole mate bomb on him, surely he couldn't be mad at me then for sneaking of, when he would be so happy that I'd found my other half and would be settling down, let's hope so anyway because if not he probably would be demoing me to a sub at this rate like Archer joked about.

My phone started vibrating away in my pocket before cutting off, pulling it out a miss call for Seth flashed on the screen, guess he was here and waiting for me outside. Looking back up to tell Jax, I found him right next to me, his mouth turned down as he looked almost sad, I had no idea what had upset him, not even a minute ago he had been happily chatting away about this massive St Bernard at the shelter he worked at.

"Your lifts here?" he sounded down right miserable now.

"Yeah sorry I have to leave so soon" I started making my way to the front door, if I stayed here any longer I would never want to leave him "if I had my way I'd take you on that date right now but I've got an angry dad waiting at home for me" I let out a nervous laugh, just shut up Damon.

Swinging the front door open revealing Seth's monstrous black truck sat parked on the curb, standing out like a sore thumb amongst the other cars lining the street, I could see him staring intensely through the driver's window at the door where I now stood, holding up one finger showing I'd only be a minute before turning to face my mate who stood in front of me staring up, I couldn't believe how small he was, he just about reached my chest.

"I'll text you as soon as I can to plan where I'm taking you okay?" he gave me a small nod "I had an amazing time with you" I said taking hold of his hand in mine, it looked huge compared to his dainty one, looking back up I caught him smiling down at our joint hands.

"S-same" he stuttered as he stared back up at me, this was totally a moment! I bent down capturing him lips with my own not wanting to miss my chance. His whole body went rigid against mine at first before relaxing as I kissed him deeply causing sparks to flow through us, I knew he felt them but he didn't pull away, if anything he pressed against me harder.

I thought he would be sloppy and inexperienced but he moved his lips against mine like an expert which sent a fizzle of annoyance through me, I wasn't his first and I know I shouldn't think like this, me of all people didn't have the best of records but it still did, I wanted to be the one to show him everything but I was too late.

Just as our tongues started to twist and dance with each other's Seth started beeping the horn, Jax pulled away and look down sheepish in embarrassment, he'd forgotten we had someone watching but still that curly haired fucker had ruined my moment! 

Finally the next chapter 😁

How cute is Damon getting loving him more and more now

Anyway hope you liked it and vote and comment so I know what you think xx

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