Let Me Help you

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What I imagine Jax to look like but blonde 


Waking up the next morning covered in sweat and feeling like I was in a sanua as I slowly came around, I start pushing my blonde locks that had stuck to my damp forehead throughout the night. God, I felt ruff, definitely hungover and after staying up talking till the sun came up didn't help, I was in need of way more sleep.

"Go back to sleep" Damon's gruff voice mumbled from behind me still half asleep as he pulled me closer to him to stop me wiggling around in the bed, he'd spooned me like that all night, not once letting me go, not that I was complaining but fuck does he run hot, it was like sleeping pressed against a heater.

"Can't I'm too hot" grumbling I kick off the comforter which does fuck all to cool me off, the air feels too hot, almost suffocating me and Damon's earthy smell was so strong it was overpower all my other senses. "I don't feel good; I think I'm gonna be sick" jumping up I run straight into the small joint bathroom, slamming the door behind me before dropping to my knees in front of the toilet before throwing up all the junk food I'd eaten the night before.

Tears had started streaming down my cheeks, splashing to the floor as I lean my forehead against the edge of the seat and now that I'd emptied my stomach and calmed down, I could finally take everything in and by everything, I mean the raging hard on I was currently sporting, and what the fuck was that. Dropping my joggers so that they pooled around my ankles, I looked in the large mirror hanging above the sink to see the back of my boxers completely soaked through, what the hell was going on, this was no normal morning wood situation.


"Is everything okay" came Damon's concerned muffled voice from the other end of the door, shit please go down! please go down, come on not now. "Jax!"

"Y-yeah all good just got to take care of something" oh my god why would you say that you idiot, now he knows I'm in here jerking off because he hugged me all night. I could hear his deep laugh from the other side.

"Need a hand?"

"No no all good, I'll be out in a minute" I hear his footsteps retreating back to the bed and the tv turning on as I quickly drop my boxers to hurry up and get this done with, well that and his voice was doing things to me right now as I start stroking my painful erection. After a good five minutes of nothing happening, I wasn't getting any satisfaction out of it, my dick was still just as painfully hard and now turning an ugly purple colour and my arse was literally leaking, what was going on.

"Jax!" my name came out as a growl on the other end of the door, as he jiggled the door handle, thank god I'd locked it because the last thing I wanted him to see was me crying while trying to jack off, not a pretty picture, but as I stood there continuing to stroke myself while tears fell down my face all I wanted was him to bang down that door a fuck me, I was aching for him at this point.

"Somethings not right" I let out a loud frustrated cry.

"I know I can smell you and I need you to stay in there with the door locked to you hear what I have to say okay?" his voice had dropped and become more animalistic as a couple growls were let out, this whole situation was freaking me out and he wasn't helping.

"What's wrong with me" there was a long pause after I asked that.

"You're going into heat"

"But I'm not a wolf yet" I'd read about heats before in some of them stories online and now that he said it everything was clicking into place.

"I know but once submissive wolves find their mate, even if they aren't mated yet they can go into heat"

"What am I supposed to do then" I let out in a cry "it hurts so bad Damon"

"I know" I hear his full wait drop on the door as he slides down it "we can either complete the mating which will end the heat since its only your first"

"I d-don't want to have sex yet though, I-I'm not ready" I slide down the door as well now, so that we're back to back with only the door separating us. I know I sounded stupid after how I acted last night, I'd pretty much been begging him to fuck me but that was the alcohol taking. I'd done it with people years ago but after everything that had happened, I knew I'd just have a full-blown panic attack if I even tried anything now. "I'm sorry your stuck with me as a mate"

"Don't say that Jax, I'm so glad I met you and I'm proud that you mate, it's just sex"

"It isn't just sex though is it, I bet your used to getting it whenever you want and now look your stuck with some scared little prude"


"You should just leave and forget about me"

"You know I cant and I wouldn't want to anyway"

"What if I can never do it though, we will never become real mates and I'm just going to have to live with a constant boner" neither of us speak for a while and at one point I think he's left, that I'd truly scared him of with that thought before I hear him shuffling around outside the door.

"What are you so scared of?" a lot of stuff pops into my head at that, one being the utter beast he's got hiding in his pants, becoming a wolfs another, my whole life will change after I become one, I'll no longer be human which is such a crazy idea but also something I'll never be able to take back. Then comes the deeper stuff like the fact that I'd probably have the worst panic attack, how I don't like being touched in a sexual way, how it literally makes my skin crawl just thinking about it and then comes his face, a person who I thought I loved but in the end completely destroyed me.

I didn't have just one answer to his question it was a whole bunch of messed up things that were stopping me and I didn't want to unload all that baggage onto him.

"I know your scared and this isn't how I wanted this to happen either, I thought we would have more time. If you really don't want to that okay but I'll have to go away for a few days, I'll have to lock you in this room because if I don't you'll go out looking for sex to subdue the heat as it gets worse" it was going to get worse than this but it already hurt so bad and my body felt like it was on fire.

"Can't you just stay with me?" I plead because the last thing I wanted was to be left in a hotel room in the middle of nowhere going through this.

"I can't love, I don't feel the same as you with the whole burning up but I do understand the need to break down this door and fuck you. I won't be able to control myself as it gets worse and I won't put you through that if it's not something you want" I sat there a while longer mulling over everything he'd said knowing that in reality I only had one choice even if I wasn't ready for it to happen. 


okay so a few have been asking when Archers side of the story is going to happen and really really soon, next chapter is going to be Damon and Jax mating and then Archers story is all going to kick off :)

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