pet names

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author's note - anything in italics is the conversation between the human side and their wolf


Damon pov


A few minutes had passed since I'd let my wolf back in and he didn't waste anytime in growling out that word, along with a line of curses at being shut out but still that one word stopped me dead in my tracks.

The world came to a complete standstill, all I could do was stare at the much smaller boy next to me. Who I was now stuck with for the rest of my life and all I could think about was, how I'd never even wanted a mate in the first place. I defiantly thought I'd have a few more years of freedom left before being tied down to one person but now, taking in every detail of him from the scatter of light brown freckles on his pale cheeks, to that little smirk that seemed to be constantly gracing his full lips, like he knew something funny, I'd kill anyone who tried taking him away from me.

Now, what the hell do people even do when they find their mates? Was I supposed to blurt it out to the poor human, that thought I was some scary bed time story?

"Just tell him, he can probably already feel the connection" my wolf jumped in, practically itching to get out and mark what he already thought was his, forgetting that humans didn't go about biting people claiming them as their own for eternity.

"Humans don't feel it like we do, all he knows is that's he's attracted to me" I thought back to him which just made him annoyingly start pacing around in my head. It was true though all he would be feeling was attraction to me and if we was to touch an almost static shock but it would never be as strong as what I felt, not yet anyway, not until we mated would he feel anything close to all these feelings and emotions, I had running through my head right now.

Fuck! why couldn't he just be a wolf, at least then he would just know what we were to each other, even if he wouldn't have the feelings, he would still know we were mates because his wolf would tell him. Humans though, had no idea.

"Urm... Hello" my eyes refocused to him waving his pale hand in front of my face "you keep spacing out on me" his smile faltered "am I boring you" shit I hadn't realised I was ignoring him as I tried to digest my wolf's big news.

"A beaut like you could never bore me" ew well that was just plain cheesy but I really had no idea what I was doing. In all I honesty I had never liked anyone in a way that I cared how they saw me, all I was ever trying to do was talk them into bed then leave as quickly as I finished, so no feelings were ever caught, but right now I needed some kind of feelings to be caught. Wait! maybe sleeping with him would help with that, I had a long enough que of people that had ended up catching said feelings after we slept together.

Then again, I knew that a lot of wolves that tried to have sex with their mates and not mark them, usually failed miserably. After all that was what out wolves' instincts told us to do, find your mate and mark them, not only to protect them but so every other wolf knew what was yours. God, I wish I'd took more interest in the whole mate's thing like Archer did though, he would know exactly what to do in this situation, then again, he's probably also played it out in his head a million times.

"That was cheesy" he laughed but I could see the light blush gracing his cheeks.

"Maybe, but true" that's its Damon let that charm of yours work its magic "so... shit I don't even know your name"

"Jax and you?" he asked taking a sip from the red plastic cup that sat next to him, by the smell of it, it was just plain coke, I couldn't even smell alcohol on him at all. So, he threw a party to annoy his parents but hasn't even drunk any alcohol, what a very strange one he was.

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