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Jax's pov

I couldn't breath, it didn't matter how high I counted or how many deep breath I took nothing was working.

Yanking my phone of charge, it only had 5% battery, so I tried calling Jade, listening to it ring out before the operator came on, why wasn't she picking up.

She said she was hungover and was just going to chill all day, I needed to get out of here but I couldn't just turn up on her doorstep and she was my only friend here.

I could still hear my parents arguing downstairs.

"You shouldn't of hit him, Terry he's been though so much violence, he doesn't need it happening here as well"

"He's been a little shit since we got him back! It's been nearly two years, he needs to get over it"

"He's never going to get over it, he still flinches whenever someone gets to close and those scars, those terrible marks to remind him every time just what happened. He's never going to forget or get over in Terry, he still needs our help"

I couldn't breath! Looking at my phone I pressed the next name.


"Hello... Jax?... Are you there?"

"Can you pick me up?" pause! I shouldn't of rung him, why would he help me he didn't know me, not really. "sorry I shouldn't of asked... Bye"

"Jax wait!" I heard him shuffling around on the other end of the phone "it'll take me about an hour to get there okay but I'll come get you"

"Thank you Damon" I let out my first normal breath.

"It's fine but are you okay?" I didn't answer what the hell would I even say "I'll be there as quick as I can" and with that the phone went dead, I'm guessing he knew I didn't want to speak much.

Well I'd defiantly messed up any kind of relationship I could of had with him, no one wants some messed up kid.


Damon's pov

Grabbing my wallet and keys off the side table I went to head out when someone knocked at my bedroom door, throwing it open.

Tommy stood there in a pair of grey trackie bottoms and a white t-shirt, his blonde curls pulled up into a bun, he stood staring down at his feet with a small grey duffel bag hanging off his thin shoulder.

"What's in the bag Tommy?" I asked even though I could already guess, after what happened to him earlier, he was running away from the pack. "Don't do this you'll be a rogue omega, you won't last a day, you know dad didn't mean what he said, he was just angry at me as usual"

"No I've been thinking about this for awhile, after losing" he looked up at me tears threatened to fall at talking about his dead mate "after he died, I just don't belong here anymore"

"Your a wolf Tommy this is your family and dad could always find you someone else, if that's what you want, if you need that sort of relationship agin" he nibble on his bottom lip before speaking again.

"I've already met someone else, a human from the local town. He said he'll take care of me, says he loves me"

"And do you love him" he shook his head, causing a curl to fall lose.

"But he's kind and maybe I can grow to love him in time" a determined look crossed his face for the first time in months.

"Why don't you bring him into the pack, I'm sure dad wouldn't mind, he knows how low you've been and he knows what losing a mate is like" he shook his head before I could even finish.

"I don't want this life anymore, I just want to live normally, I don't want to be scared of higher ups or feel like shit all the time like I'm below everyone and maybe he can give me that"

"Okay come on then" shutting the door behind me and heading down the hallway, I could here his small feet scurrying after me.

"Where we going? Please don't tell Alpha" he gently grabbed my jumper sleeve.

"I'm going to pick someone up so I'll drop you at your friend's house, towns far and your less likely to get caught this way but just hurry and be quiet I'm not supposed to be leaving either"


Pulling outside the large brick detached two story house, surrounded by black iron gates, two cars sat on the drive a red jaguar with a large black ranger rover next to it, a garage off to the side which I'm guessing held more.

Waiting on the doorstep was a man maybe in his late thirties, early forties, dressed in a pair of light blue jeans and a black knit jumper. This was where Tommy was going to live, with this man.

"Are you sure you want this?" his eyes went from me to the man who was now walking towards the gates, he nodded and smiled.

"He really is lovely, I know everyone thought I was sneaking off to go fuck stranger but I wasn't, I was meeting Ben. We haven't even slept together" a cute blush spread across his cheeks at that making me smile "we've just been meeting and going on dates. He really does care about me and that's what I need right now" he waved through the window.

"Okay but if you need anything and I mean anything, if he so much as says one thing to hurt your feeling you call me and I'll be straight here for you okay" I don't know why I felt so protective of Tommy but I did and seeing him leaving hurt!

"Thank you" he threw his arms around my neck before jumping out the car and walking to the now open gate, Ben pulled him into a hug beaming down and him.

Please don't me an arsehole to him.


Jax pov

Shoving my wallet in my duffel bag along with my clothes and school books, I'd decided to get a hotel for the next few nights, till dad cooled off. I left a note on my side table saying what I was doing, along with the money for the window.

My phone vibrated on the table.

Damon : outside now

Jax : be right down :)

I'd calmed down at least now, making a plan helped and this is what I needed right now, time away to get my head straight.

I rushed down the staircase and out the  door as quietly as I could and didn't stop even when mom called my name, but I was already in the car by the time she stood on the doorstep looking confused.

"Please just drive" Damon sat looking at my mom worryingly, before nodding to himself and starting the car, causing the chart show to start playing as we set of down the road, minutes passed before he spoke.

"Anywhere in particular you want to go?"

"A hotel" he never slowed down just carried on down the road turning when he had to.

"In town or a few over?"

"look I'm sorry I called you, I should of just got a bus but I couldn't breath and my friend wasn't answering and I just needed someone... Something..." Damon pulled the car to a stop on the side of the road, turning the engine off and turning so he was facing me.

"It's okay Jax, I don't mind fetching you, I was going to ask to see you tonight anyway" that beaming smile of his returned.

"Really?" he nodded which just made me smile in return.

"Now do you want to tell me what happened or not?" if I tell him about the fight he's going to want to know more about what caused dad to act that way and that's a whole part of my life I'd really rather he not know about. I shook my head.

"Okay, let's go find a hotel then"


Getting good at updating lately just really loving writing this story

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