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Archer pov

I slumped down in the passenger seat, well that had been a big fat fail.

We'd arrived at the Silver Wood territory just over half an hour ago and as soon as we pulled up, I knew I wouldn't find my mate here.


"Tony" Dad pulled the alpha into a bear hug, the olive-skinned man had a few inches on my old man but wasn't as big built more lean muscle's like a swimmer's body "it's been awhile"

"Nearly seven year" the alpha's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled down at his old friend, his light chocolate eyes lifted to me "and you must be Archer, God I haven't seen you since you were just a little ball of brown fluff. Well you've grown quite a bit since then and searching for your mate already" he winked.

"Well least one of my boys is trying to"

"Damon still being Damon" the Alpha's smile was back in full force showing his bright white teeth off.

"I don't think that boy will ever grow up"

"He will just needs a mate to tame him down, we was all the same at that age" throwing his arm around dad's shoulder "you remember them late night parties, the girls" he winked again "ah they were the days"

"How about we go tell your mate about them days ay?" dad cocked a brow but held a smile showing he was just playing with his old friend.

"Ah yes my beautiful mate lets go find her" the two started walking off laughing with each other towards a large red brick house that lay back in its own grounds while I trailed behind, the nerves finally hitting me full force.


Tony had brought all mateless wolves to the large hall building, light soft music was being played from the surrounding speakers while people talked in groups, the majority of the crowd held drinks in their hands as they mingled with each other. Off to the side stood a group, with them I could tell was a handful of alphas who had brought members of their packs who were either searching for a mate or in the lower ranks hoping to be paired off to either a dom or middle rank. There were two dominants, one middle rank and three subs with the group who stood together but none spoke.

Tony jumped onto the stage pushing a hand through his thick curly black hair "right quiet!" the room went silent "I would like to welcome the seven packs that have travel here today I hope your members find what they are searching for, so if you would like to start mingling with my pack, drinks are to the far right, enjoy!" with that the music started up again and so did the talking, the small group dispensed into the crowd, while I stayed rooted to the floor.

"Right see anyone you like the look off" my eyes shot to my dad, God this whole thing felt embarrassing and plain awkward I wish I'd never suggested it to him, my shoulders dropped. "Look Arch you were the one that wanted to do this-"

"I know but" he cut me off before I could think up some excuse on why I didn't want to do this anymore.

"No buts were starting over there" he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me towards the refreshments, grabbing two glasses and shoving one into my hand, his eyes drifted to his right to a group of subs standing closely together quietly chatting away. Dads eyes kept shooting from me to the group of fair haired boys before he let out a puff of air "Hello, I'm alpha of the Duskfall pack, this is my son" he roughly pulled me over so I now stood beside him "I'll be over there, now use that fucking voice" he hissed in my ear before going back to talk to Tony, my eyes followed him before coming back to the group, all eyes were on me now.

"So...urm... how you all doing?" I mentally face palmed, yeah, this whole situation was diffidently awkward and I would much rather be stuck at home, on my own, sadly swiping on my dating app than here. The boys looked among themselves before one of them, a tiny thing with pure blonde hair and striking dark eyes looked up at me, nibbling on his pink bottom lip before he spoke.

"Look not trying to be rude or anything but Alpha wouldn't let any of us go to a middle rank" his voice came out high pitched and all his words ran into the other but I got the gist of it.

"I'm not a middle rank" I could feel my temper rising, I knew the dominants in my pack didn't think of me as one of them but for fuck sake, the subs as well! and they'd never even met me before.

"What are you then" he muttered as his eyes shot around I'm guessing looking for his alpha as they desperately tried not to meet my own, I couldn't believe this, none of them would even give me the time of day, not that I felt any sort of connection to any of the pretty boys but still.

"Fuck this" I pushed my way through the hall of people to get to the exit, why did I even bother coming, to be fair I didn't expect it to go great but this. Not even being worth speaking to just because I wasn't some big bad dominant asshole, that would treat their mate like shit just because they held a lower rank. I'd be good to my mate I'd care for them and love them but that didn't seem to matter to anyone.

"Arch! son wait up" Dad came barging out the double door's looking panicked "what happened, what's the matter?"

"Nothing" my head dropped as my voice came out quieter than usual "I just want to go home" I heard the puff of air leave him before he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine son. Go get in the car while I say goodbye to Tony" he handed me the car keys and went back into the large hall, jumping back into the passenger seat I pulled my phone from the back pocket, having felt it vibrate a few time's, a few different notifications lit up the screen, I clicked on the text first.

Damon : how'd it go

you bringing back your big dom hubby tonight

or has he already got you tied to the bed


Archer : fuck off!

He was such a dick, I clicked on a few social media notifications checking out some new followers on Instagram before seeing one from tinder come through, I clicked on it bringing the chat up from a guy called Jax.

Jax : hey sorry had to message you loved your pictures. You up for a chat.

I clicked on his profile to give it a read and a bit of a stalk, like come on this was the first guy to not open with a picture of his genitals.



currently studying to become a vet

love nights out or a bit of Netflix and chill ;)

drop me a message if you want to chat

Well his profile didn't give much away so I started clicking though his pictures, the majority were selfies with a couple of him on nights out with drinks in his hands, surrounded by good looking men and women, I clicked on one of his selfies, he was quite pale but it just made his big forest green eyes stand out even more, dirty blonde hair was pushed up in a quiff style and in each picture he had on a beautiful smile. The guy was good looking there was no doubt about it but something else was drawing me to him, I could feel my heart beating a bit faster and my wolf trying to crawl out to take over my body. So, I quickly dropped him a message back.

Archer: heya sure would love to chat. Here's my number. 

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