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Damon pov

Fuck! I was starting to feel it now, grabbing my phone from my jean pocket 3:48am flashing across the screen, I had at least a few hours of freedom left before I'd have to make my way back home to get a few hours' sleep before having to get up and complete the long assed list of chores, stupid middle rank life sucked!

Staring in the bathroom mirror at my reflection, pushing back my hair with a wink, God I looked good, now let's go find something easy to conquer.

Almost stumbling down the staircase which lead straight into the living room which was still packed to capacity with bodies, I recognised a few from other parties I'd been to but my eyes soon found the person I knew the best. My best friend sat on the black leather couch with a girl on one side of him and a boy to the other, his tongue was currently down the blondes throat, his hand around the back of his head to keep him close, while his other hand was caressing up the girls short denim skirt, her head threw back in obvious pleasure. Definitely not getting that lift now, he'd be here all night with them two.

It was his fault as well for my currently state, suggesting we had a drinking competition which he knew I'd never turn down, especially with the whole grounding, I hadn't had a drink in over a week now, probably the longest I'd gone in years, not that I had a problem I just loved the lightweight feeling you get when you was completely gone is all.

Four other guys from our pack ended up joining us along with a couple humans from the local University after over hearing Seth goating me into paying the game, the humans started dropping out pretty quickly though, they just couldn't handle the level of alcohol a wolf could, we just had a higher resistance to it than they did I guess. In the end only me and Seth was left, I knew he'd end up winning, having a way higher tolerance to it than me, he always won. It was probably the reason I'd never turn down a game with him hoping for once I'd win so I could lure something over that big head of his, it never did happen though.


Making my way back into the kitchen an hour later I grabbing a half empty bottle of vodka of the counter, a bit sloshing out the top from the way I picked it up as I brought it to my lips to take a swig. The last hour had just consisted of me stumbling around the house, talking with different people, making out but nothing went any further, something was just off and I dint know if it was with me or the people here. Like normally I had no problem chatting people into bed but tonight it was like I just wasn't all there in the situation, maybe that's my queue to leave.

My eyes started to drift around the small white room from where I leaned against the sticky kitchen counter. The metal kitchen table in the corner took up a lot of the room, a game of beer pong had been set up on it drawing a crowd as they watched two guys playing against each other, both too far gone to even get one ball in cup.

God I needed some air, it was way too stuff in here and my head was beginning to spin. Fuck what had been Seth been giving me!

I stumbled back out the kitchen door and into the yard, only a few people were lounging around out here, most sitting on the chairs smoking but my attention was straight to the guy at the far end of the garden, with his light blue jeans rolled up as his feet dangled in the pool, which had a few inflatables floating around in it.

My intoxication forgotten as my wolf started stirring at the sight of him, he became impatient in my head wanting to get out, thinking back to it he'd been on edge all night ever since we got to the house but the way he was acting now was completely new. Calm down boy not the place for that. I though as I blocked him out for now.

Making my way over to where he sat but the closer, I got the more his scent hit me, it was sweet almost cotton candy smelling and not the artificial shit I'd smelt on some girls, no this was straight up fairground, draws you right to the booth cotton candy. I'd had the smell stuck in my nose all night everywhere I went around the house but it was always faint with the amount of people's scents mixed in with it but now it was all I could smell and it was intoxicating in its self.

I felt like a predator stalking my pray while he paid me no attention but the closer I got the more I realised he was fit as fuck! with dirty blonde hair hanging loosely on his forehead which I'm guessing had been styled at one point in the night. I could see his full pink lips from here as they moved along quietly to the song playing in the house as he stared down into the water kicking his feet lightly to the beat.

I plonked my ass down next to him on the edge of the pool, taking in his appearance a bit more, he looked on the short side maybe 5'6 at the tallest, with a slim build, his tight jeans and t-shirt hugging his figure so nicely but what really caught my attention was the hearing aid in his right ear.

"Staring's rude babe" my eyes shot to his beautiful forest green eyes that were now boring into my own as he smirked up at me "you enjoying my party then" that voice, as smooth as honey, fuck I was getting hard at some guys voice now, it really had been too long.

"Your party?" his party and he's sat outside on his own, strange little thing.

He hummed as a small smile graced his lips before speaking "my parents went on holiday, third time this month, so thought why not give them something to come back to you know" he shrugged it off but I saw the pang of hurt in his voice at what he'd admitted.

"The parties great so why you sitting out here all on your own?" I asked.

"I sorta hate parties" he admitted but that just made me let out a small laugh.

"Just trying to piss your parents of then I'm guessing" that made him smile, my chest wanted to puff out at the accomplishment.

"Something like that babe" he smirked. 


Two updates in a week *clapping*

But wrote this one on my phone so sorry for any mistakes


Hope you enjoyed it

And please vote and comment so I know what you think x

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