Chapter 66

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Brendon's house 8:48PM...

Luke gasped for air, trying to calm his racing heart. He knew he should've been dead, but it seemed like God was with him in this little game.

Stab wounds were placed all along his arms and legs, burning when the cool breeze hit the open skin. Luke winced, then slowly looked around the room.

His head began to feel heavy again, signaling him that his body was about to give out again. Just as he was about to give up moving his body, the door opened, allowing a little light to shine in the room.

Heavy footsteps made their way over to Luke. The person that had walked in the room looked at his body, noticing that his skin was almost as white as paper.

The man picked up his phone, then dialed a number, waiting for the person on the other line to pick up.

"Hello? Yes, Brendon. He's close to being dead." He listened a bit more, looking at the stab wounds that he had made in Luke's arms and legs. 

"I'd give her a choice, if I were you. She loves her old man, right?"


Ella was hiding in one of the kitchen cabinets, trying to get away from the psychopath that was upstairs. She had angered him by spitting in his face and telling him that she didn't love him.

"You better fucking come out, bitch!  You don't wanna know what happens, if you don't." He began knocking over valuables, trying to scare Ella.

She winced when she heard him walk into the kitchen, knocking over the vase of flowers that sat on the island. Brendon walked agonizingly slow, making Ella's heart beat faster and faster every second.

That's when she heard him begin to open the cabinets. Brendon began throwing plates and glasses on the floor as well. 

He knew where Ella was. He just wanted her to think that she was winning at the game. Walking over all the broken pieces of glass, Brendon made his way over to the other side of the kitchen.

He opened the cabinet Ella was in, looking as her trembling body. "Hello, sweetheart." His sick grin was plastered on his face. Ella's body trembled more when Brendon placed his hands on her waist.

"P-Please, d-don't kill me." Brendon turned his head to the side a little, the grin still placed on his lips. 

"Oh, sweetheart. We're just gonna have a little fun. That's all."

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