Chapter 28

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As Ella continued to run, she did her best to avoid all the ice that covered the sidewalks. Hesitantly looking behind her to see if Brendon was coming, Ella gasped, seeing that Brendon was right on her tail.

"Ella!" When he called out her name, it only came off as a low growl. Instead of looking back for a second time, Ella continued running.

It was only then, when she got her shoe stuck in the snow. "No, no, no, no!" Brendon chuckled, finally having a chance to grab her. 

Once close enough, Brendon clasped a hand over her mouth and had his free arm wrap around her waist. His lips inched closer and closer to her ear, his breath fanning over it. 

"Now, would you like to tell me why you thought it was ok to run? To even think about it?" His grasp tightened at every word, causing her vision to fade in and out. 

"Brenmph, phhm." Warm tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought about what he was going to do to her when they got back home. 

"I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson, princess. Oh, and trust me, you won't like it at all." The hand that was clasped over her mouth loosened, then was brought above his head. 

In just a few seconds, Ella's world faded in and out, finally going black.


Jolting awake from her little slumber, Ella groggily looked around, knowing exactly where she was. She was back in the basement, where she had hid for hide and seek.

To her left, the laundry room door was closed, a lock placed around the handle. On her right, there was a table with candles and all kinds of torture devices, waiting to be used. 

The door to the basement opened slowly, revealing a silhouette of a man. Ella didn't have to guess who it was, though. 

Brendon made his way downstairs, pulling something out of his back pocket along the way. Ella opened her mouth to say something, but she had just noticed that there was tape placed over it. 

He walked over to Ella, a sadistic smirk plastered on his face. "Let's have some fun, princess."

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