Chapter 36

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Its been a couple days since Brendon had made up his mind about letting Ella go, and today was the big day.

The day when she would be able to go home and see her family. Well, even though she was happy about it, she was also upset.

Ella thought that Brendon's plan sucked. She hated how she had to fake like she was returned, only to be taken again within a matter of days. 

As of right now, Ella was all ready to go, but was waiting for Brendon to get off the phone with whomever he was talking to. Whoever it was seemed to piss off Brendon and Ella would be lying, if she said that it didn't scare her.

Looking down at the floor,playing with her shoes, Ella seemed to get lost in her thoughts. She wondered how her family would feel when she left, again. 

Also, if none of this went according to plan, Brendon wouldn't hesitate to kill everyone involved. Soon enough, Brendon got off the phone, taking a quick look at Ella.

He inspected her outfit, making sure that it didn't look like her kidnapper was some sort of sugar daddy. Once he was done doing that, he messed up her hair, then kissed her on the cheek.

"You're free to go, Ella, but I swear on my father's grave, if you blow this plan, you'll regret it." She gulped, nodding her head as she felt a chill go down her spine. 

Brendon put in the pass code for the door, covering it up as he typed in the numbers. Since she would be returning, he didn't need her finding out the code to get out.

Once the door was open, Brendon pushed her outside and told her to get off of his property as quick as she could, so she didn't draw attention. 

Ella did as she was told and ran home. She ran down the slightly dim street, not bothering to stop for anything. All Ella knew was that she needed to get home. 

Her home grew closer and closer, the desire of being at home in her own bed, surrounded by her own family filling her heart. 

Ella ran through the snow covered grass, her shoes quickly getting soaked. She caught her breath as soon as she got on the porch, then rang the doorbell.

Ella's heart raced as she waited for someone to answer. Then, she heard footsteps. Someone looked through the window, their eyes landing on Ella.

The door quickly unlocked, revealing her own mother and father standing in front of her. "Oh, thank god you're alive!"

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