Chapter 58

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While Spencer and Brendon talked about business, Ella was left alone to do her own thing. Unfortunately for her, there was really nothing to do in the warehouse.

Of course, there was exploring that existed, but Ella was kind of out of that phase. Exploring all the time seemed to get her into some sort of trouble all the time.

Meanwhile, Brendon and Spencer were located in one of the many offices they seemed to have in the warehouse.

"I hope you know what he's planning, Brendon. It's not as simple as you think it may be." Brendon rolled his eyes, patting Spencer on the shoulder. 

"Trust me, Spence, I'll get the payments in. You're the one that's supplying me with all the tools I need."

Spencer sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I sure as hell hope so, Brendon. It's been a while since your last payment was due."

Brendon nodded, then looked through the door, seeing that Ella was still out there. Spencer followed his eyes, looking over at Ella.

"So, you finally decided to stop killing, huh?" Brendon looked back at Spencer, shaking his head.

"No. She's just different. I was planning on making her into one of my creations, but...I just couldn't. I don't know exactly why."

Spencer chuckled, then exhaled. "Well, I guess I'll let you guys go. I expect that payment within a week. It's not even that big of a deal, Bren."

Brendon chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

While the two men slowly started to make small talk, Ella did exactly what she didn't want to do. Explore.

She grew bored of playing with her thumbs and glancing around the room every once in a while. So, she found herself beginning to walk down to the end of the warehouse.

As she continued walking, the rancid smell from earlier came back, hitting her like a truck. Ella pinched her nose and continued walking.

It was almost as if she was in her own world, not hearing Brendon yelling after her. As Ella got closer to the back of the warehouse, she could see someone's leg sticking out from behind one of the boxes.

Beginning to get curious, she picked up her pace and realized that she let her curiousity get the best of her. Dead bodies. Corpses everywhere.

Her breathing picked up as she backed away from them all. Ella backed up into something hard, making her turn around quick. 

Brendon was standing there with a concerned look on his face. "Ella, you weren't supposed to move from your spot. You shouldn't have seen any of this."

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