Chapter 11

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When Brendon got home, he began to wreck his house. By that, I mean that as soon as he put his coat down, he threw some of his most valuable possessions against the wall or at the TV, making loud noises that the neighbors could hear. He was upset that he was so close with completing his plan, but was angrier with his self because he made that choice not to grab Ella. "Fuck!" He ran a hand through his hair, then walked down the dark hall, towards the doll house. Brendon opened the door, turning on the bright light that illuminated what was left of his doll collection. Her name was Alyssa. She was one of the best creations Brendon had ever made, but soon, she'd be gone like the others. All Brendon wanted was the best for Ella. He didn't care about his best dolls anymore. It was only Ella he cared about the most. If it were out of pure love, then some would say that he was infatuated with the young girl. Sadly, though, that's not the case. He slowly made his way over to Alyssa, bending down to look into the chocolate eyes of the doll he once loved. Brendon caressed her cheek with the side of his hand, then sighed. "I've lost everything, Alyssa. I know that you're definitely not listening to me, but its true. I have gotten rid of the things I can never get back, and sadly, you're next. I'm sorry I have to do this to you, but its for the one girl I've had my heart set on." He placed his hands on her shoulders and slammed her into the wall harshly. In fact, he did this a couple of times, watching as the blood from the back of her head spilled slowly. Brendon found that this was probably the easiest way he could ever get rid of a doll he loved. Now, he dragged the body of his former doll towards the furnace. You could guess what he was going to do to her next. Throughout the house, there was silence, especially in the doll house. Brendon stood in the basement, watching the flames eat at the body of his former doll, enjoying every bit of it. He was excited for what was to come next in his plan. 

Doll MakerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora