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Taehyung is the girl in purple and Jungkook is The guy in purple.


The day of the concert was here. Everyone from the dance studio was dressed to impress. Some in fancy dresses, others in street clothes, and some with very revealing pieces.

Jungkook and I just dressed how we would normally dress, except we're matching, and so are our backup dancers.

Our friends gave us strange looks but we just pushed them aside. This is competition, we need to be looking our best.

"Did your parents come?" I ask Jungkook as I see some students hugging and crying with their parents. Either they lost or they're about to go on stage.

"They disowned me." Jungkook said with ease but I knew he cares on the inside. That must be really rough.

"You?" He asked back.

"Didn't tell them, they don't support." I say with a small pout and watery eyes. Damn. Both of our parents don't like our future dancing careers.

Jungkook then gave me a hug.
It was warm and comforting, my face pressed into his muscled chest that smelled like cologne.

"We can be each other's family." He said as a smile graced his face. He's literally perfect.

I laughed.

He could always make me feel better.

"UP NEXT IS HOSEOK AND JIMIN!!" The host said from the stage.

"Good luck." I heard Yoongi say from next to Jimin. He then kissed his cheek. The fuck?

We have missed soooo much.

I agree with my thoughts.

There was a T.v in the room behind the stage so we could see what the dancers were doing. We could converse about what they did wrong and the entire performance all together. Still the judges make the final decisions though.

Both Hoseok and Jimin danced to the song "I don't wanna know."

I was surprised by the style, and the choreography. Usually Jimin goes for something more softer, and Hoseok for something with a more hip hop beat.

"They're good." I whisper into Jungkook's ear. My heart racing at the thought of them winning the first and second positions.

He nods and kisses the back of my neck, which sent unwanted butterflies down my back. My face was red.

We continue to watch as other contestants went up and danced, getting judged by the judges and then introducing the next act.

Backstage we also worked on our Choreography so that we would be prepared for when we get on stage to catch any small mistakes before they're seen on T.v.

"Pretend the audience are chicken nuggets. It'll make your job easier." Jungkook said to me as he held my shoulders.
Easier how? That would just make me hungry.

We were called next after the pair Jackson and Yugyeom.

"Focus." He said and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. I started to tease him about his words and he rolled his eyes.

He tilts my head up, his lips on mine in zero seconds. He starts to nip my lip harshly, making me open my mouth wider for more access from h.

"Hey no PDA in here!!" Namjoon yelled from one of the chairs.

We broke apart and gave him a half hearted smile towards Namjoon, our chests moving up and down breathlessly.


Then we stepped out from behind the curtains.

We were faced with a large crowd. I didn't try to find any faces since I knew my family wouldn't be seen, since they weren't there.

"Come on Taehyung, you can do it." Jungkook said while grabbing my hand. Jungkook's encouragement made me feel somewhat better.

He kissed my cheek and went over to stand next to his backup dancers.

I then started to dance to the song. I slowly started to feel the music, moving fluently to it and started to feel myself. I've definitely got this in the bag.

I looked into the crowd and almost froze. There smack into the middle were my parents. They were here? But how? I tried to hold on a sudden burst of my emotions as I continue dancing, not wanting to ruin my chances of getting into a company.

They were holding up a poster which said,


I knew who wrote that and almost cried.
But their words made me dance harder, wanting my parents to be proud. They knew and they still showed up to one of my performances. As I finish my part and pass Jungkook I slip my hand into his gently, to give him a little courage.

He then seemed to do amazing. I wish I had a sign that said I love you Jungkook on it, but it seemed like my parents beat me to it.

How...? I thought.
The only person that knew was....
I turn around and see him giving me a wink from behind the curtains.

I thank him by bowing my head a bit, a grateful smile on my face.
He waves it off and goes back inside the backroom.

The duet between Jungkook and I started so I started to focus more on getting the moves absolutely correct.

I felt more confident knowing that my parents were watching me in the crowd, and were proud of me.


We finished off with a bow and we waved to the crowd.

We walk off stage and were greeted with congratulations on our performance.

I was proud of myself, and I was proud of Jungkook.

A few more people went after us. After every performance is done there's the host would then announce the winners to a company.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen!! We have made our final decision!! This pair did amazing tonight! Their movements were fluid, full of passion! The song choice was amazing, and they fit together very well!
The pair that did the best's number is........" The host trailed off with a pearly white smile, the card that would announce tonight's winners in his hand.

We were double crossing our fingers.

Me and Jungkook were number 1858.

"1......8..........5..........3!!" He announced. I then hear cheering from behind me. What? We didn't win?

I turn around and see that Hoseok and Jimin had won. They won!!

Jungkook and I clapped for them, proud that they were able to make it.

"Taehyung." Jimin said.

"Yes?" I say with a smile.

He takes his number and outstretches his hand to me. A smile on his face.

I give him a confused look.

"Take it." Jimin said with a smile.

"But would they notice-"
"No they won't, now go, you deserve it. Hobi and I could do it next time. Your hard work paid off." He says and gives me a hug.

I wipe my tears from my eyes and thank him, walking out on stage hand in hand with Jungkook in our own clothes.

"And here's our winners!!" The host says raising our hands in the air.




(Completed) Dance club [[Taekook]] Where stories live. Discover now