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As I watched Taehyung dance to "I got you" I smiled. I could tell that he was happy by the way he danced. His movements were fluid, not tense at all.

As I observed his movements I could tell what type of style he went for in an instant.

He goes for that poppy style that's outgoing with difficult choreography or choreography that is hard to execute. Sometimes he'll go for the slow songs but he's more of a hype song or emotional song kind of person.

I go more for a harder style, more fast paced.

I smiled some more as I thought of the perfect song for both of us at the competition that would be in our favor.

Taehyung came up to me and smiled.

"What do you think?" He asked as he gave me his cute boxy smile, the smile that brightened my day.

"I thought it was great! You were awesome Hyung!!" Hyung. I haven never called Taehyung "hyung" in my life.

He blushes at the last part.
Maybe I should start saying it more often.

"I also know the perfect song that we should do for the contest!! They'll definitely have to pick us as the winners." I express with a confident grin.

He looks surprised.

"What's the song?" He asks.

I show him my phone and play the music for him, wanting to get his opinion.

He nods his head to the beat and slowly smiles.

"This is a great combination!! We should definitely pick this song." Taehyung says.

I agree with him.
As we both discuss the performance I can see out of the corner of my eye Hoseok and Jimin looking at me with googlely eyes, and making kissy faces.

I go red and try to whisper shoo them off, but they still continue to do it, completely ignoring me.

"Is there something wrong Jungkook?" Taehyung asks as he tries to look into the direction of the two weirdos.

I grab his face and force him to make eye contact with me.

I start blushing at how close we are.

"Umm...uh...u-u-u-m-uhhhh." I stuttered out.

When I see Hoseok and Jimin gone I let go of his face, instant regret filling my gut.

"Sorry...." I mumble out as I rub the back of my neck.

"It's fine." He says unsure as we both get back to the performance.



(Completed) Dance club [[Taekook]] Where stories live. Discover now