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Jungkook was feeling a little depressed today since he didn't see Kim at all.

He wanted to seem like he didn't care so he didn't ask Namjoon where he was, even though he was practically dying in the inside.
Really, where was he?

As he chose Bury a friend he could feel the depression flowing through his veins after he left home this morning.

Kim was his getaway from reality, and reality sucked. Those petty arguments sometimes made his angry, but it sure made his day.

He was mentally abused by his parents and that was the whole reason why he moved out. Those arguments and the petty insults were what kept that torture off of his mind.

Now that Kim is gone though...

He sighed when he was almost finished with the choreography he came up with last week.

He and Kim where practicing different choreographys for the final talent show in a few months where you would get picked up by a company, a company that would take you to fame.

The first and second best got picked. The others had to try again next time and hope to be picked for the second year in a row.

Jungkook was one of those that wasn't picked last year, so he wanted to try harder. He didn't want to be lined up on stage, ready to cry when he heard the words, "Better luck next time".

As he finished the song he collapsed to the floor and laid like a starfish, staring at the ceiling. God was he mentally exhausted.

"Are you ok Jungkook?" He heard Jimin say from above as he approached him.

"I'm fine, just tired and drained." Jungkook replies back without any energy in his voice.

Jimin helped him stand up with little to no effort, and sat him in one of the chairs against the wall.

"Was it your parents again?"The question made him feel even more down as Jimin grabbed Jungkook by his shoulders.

Jungkook just simply nodded his head as silent tears fell down from his eyes.
He promised not to cry over them again.

Jimin was the only one that knew about Jungkook's parents, and he wanted it to stay that way.

Today they called saying he was a disgrace of a son and that they were going to disown him. They stated that they would throw Jungkook on the streets just because he didn't have sex with some bitchy rich kid that they wanted him to marry.

His parents were basically gold diggers, not caring if Jungkook loved them or not. They would just throw him into some rich persons' arms to get ahold of more and more money.

Jimin hugs him and pats his muscled back, feeling slight sympathy in his veins.

"It'll be ok Kookie, it'll be ok......" Jimin whispers into the said males ear.



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