Ch.8. Shops and Spars

Start from the beginning

"NONSENSE, Y/N. YOU ARE OUR HUMAN AND I WANT YOU TO BE COMFORTABLE." He shook his head, moving the bags he held on the other arm to browse through the racks again.

You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand. He paused his browse to look up at you in confusion. You smiled sweetly and pointed outside the door. "I'm hungry, why don't we go eat while we wait for the others?"

"ALRIGHT!" He beamed, holding your hand all the way to the food court. Stretch took the bags in his arms and used his 'shirt-cuts' to place them in your room, scattering on top of your bed.

"You could have done that earlier." You muttered, following him to a table while Blue took the orders. You sighed. "I am way too dependent on you guys."

Stretch shrugged. "you say that like it's a bad thing."

"It is a bad thing, Paps." You groaned, rubbing your cheeks and leaned over the table, your arms in front of you as you continued to wallow in self-hate.

"it's not," Stretch spoke, placing his hand on top of your head and ruffled your hair. "we already said we want you around. You don't gotta go runnin' everywhere." He popped a candy in his mouth. "'sides, where are ya going to run here?"

"I could impersonate the Y/n here, take the money and go overseas and start a new life."

Stretch narrowed his sockets. "that's not funny, y/n." He sighed and lightly poked your forehead. "you already left your imprint on me and Sans. whenever the hell you go, we sure as hell will be there along side you."

"Ugh.. That sounds so cheesy yet so true." You groaned, rolling your eyes and shuddered. Stretch lightly smacked the back of your head, making you sat back up with a pout.

"This nickname thing Classic has us doing isn't really doing its job." You say much to Stretch's amusement.

"i bet your nickname will be something like...duchess."

"Why duchess?" You asked, watching as Blue walked over with a tray filled with tacos, hard and soft.

"why Stretch? why Blueberry?" Stretch questioned. "dunno, Duchess sounds like a stupid nickname like mine."

You snorted as Blue sat down. "I DIDN'T KNOW IF YOU WERE IN THE MOOD FOR HARD OR SOFT, SO I BOUGHT BOTH OF VARIOUS INGREDIENTS." He said, handing you two soft and one hard. Using a paper towel as a plate, you smiled and thanked Blue.

"What did you buy, Blue?" You asked once you swallowed your bite. Blueberry grinned and shook his head.


"Vague." You hummed. "I hope it's not another prank-war thing. Last time Alphys broke my door." Your nose wrinkled at the memory.

Whatever Blue did to get that kind of reaction from the Captain of the Royal Guard was beyond you. Her yellow scales were a shade pink and... shouting to you about something—you were too focused on your door being blown into splinters to hear her fully.

"IT'S NOT... OR IS IT?" Blue grinned, chowing down on his taco while you rolled your eyes.

"Blackmail is only useful if you have the intel, o'blueberry."


You glanced at Stretch for a second, the corners of your lips curling as you looked back at Blue. "I know for a fact that Sans had a thing for the Queen." Blue tensed. "I had a feeling, since you—"

"WE DO NOT SPEAK OF IT, YOU PROMISED!" Blue was blushing a mad cyan. A frown on his lips while you laughed softly. "I ALREADY SAID I LIKED SOMEONE ELSE, Y/N PLEASE!"

You shook your head, a 'tsk' coming from you. "You didn't let me finish Blue. As I was saying, I had a feeling since you wanted to prank one of them, maybe use that to your advantage."

Can he glow brighter? It seemed he can as he shoved a full taco into his mouth. Refusing to respond to you as he had outed himself.

Stretch chuckled besides him while your shit-eating grin didn't waver. Reaching over to pat his skull, he grabbed your wrist and looked up at you.

Frozen, your eyes widened as your grin faded into a knowing smile.


"Nah," you waved, twisting your hand so you were the one to hold his wrist and yank him forward. "I'm going to completely slaughter you, Sans."

"MWEH HEH HEH.. You Can Try, Human."

Despite the malice in each of voices, Blue pulled you into an awkward over-table hug. Laughing softly as you returned it before sitting back down. The promise of a spar peeking interests by the people in the sidelines as they would glance at the three of you in excitement.

As the three of you finished the rest of the tacos, Stretch texted the originals (still weird to call them that as you thought you were the originals.) that the three of you would return to the house by shortcut.

Without waiting for a reply, Stretch dropped you and Blue outside in the backyard. Blue looking around and moving things away incase someone might trip over while you went to get get water bottles for the two of you, a towel and a quick change into work out clothes Stretch purchased for you. 'Cause knowing You and his bro, spars were quickly becoming a regular thing, even back home.

Throwing off the shirt to show the new sports bra, you grabbed the manifested bone and stood on one end of the backyard while Blue stood at the other. Stretch idly standing on the patio, over looking the sparring match that was about to begin.

"Are you ready to be slaughtered, Sansy?" You called, waving the orange bone in your hand threateningly. Blue laughed from his spot.

"YOU TALK TO MUCH, (cringey nickname)."

You wrinkled your nose and began circling Blue. You glanced at his legs, looking for an opening to attack but the second you returned to look up, he was already advancing towards you. Holding out the bone in front of you to block his attacks, you bit your tongue and pushed him backwards. Swinging the bone to hit him but you barely managed to nip his elbow when he jumped back. Reflexes working at top level.

He tried to punch your side but you blocked it, aiming to swipe him off his feet, he grabbed your arm and pulled you backwards, spinning you on your feet before pushing you with a soft kick.

You cursed loudly, tumbling over and quickly getting on your feet and faced him.

"WHERE IS THE SLAUGHTER?" He asked in mock innocence, looking around the backyard. You grit you teeth, walking towards him in a slow pace. With reflexes like Blue's, it would be nearly impossible to land a direct hit up close. You've learned that the hard way the first three-four times the two of you sparred.

"Pfft, you're not even seeing my true power, Mwahah!" The evil laugh was probably uncalled for but Blue looked happy with it as he took a heroic pose.

"I WILL WIN IN THE NAME OF..." he glanced around the yard once more, you paused to let him finish. "IN THE NAME OF PAPYRUS!"

A choked sound came from behind you as Stretch began to cough, although he recovered quickly and simply said. .

"my hero~"

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