The call

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*Lexis POV **

Next morning *

Today I'm leaving the hospital so I texted Colby letting him know that I was ready to go. I got my things together and waited for him in my room.

Couple minutes later

" Hey beautiful!" He said poking his head around the corner of my door.  He signed me out then we were on our way home.

We got home and the first person to greet me was Bailey, I didn't tell her I was in the hospital so I'm guessing the boys did. "Omg are you okay?! How come you didn't text me!" She said hugging me. " Yes I'm fine now, but I didn't think about it I figured one of the boys would have texted you right away." I said leaning out of her hug. Then it was Brennen. Brennen is still my best friend rather than Bailey. We have each other a quick tight hug then I hugged everyone else.

We all sat in the living room for a while just talking about random things. As it got quite my phone started ringing. "Hold on let me take this." I got up and went to the kitchen to answer it.

** phone call**

L-Hello? Who is this.

??- Hey! We miss you and wish you would come back from wherever you went.

This voice was familiar. I didn't want it to be who I thought it was, but it was..

L- What do you want from me.

Parents- We miss you and want you back.

L- You guys don't miss me you just want me back so you can beat the crap out of me and treat me like I'm a nobody.

Parents- Honey, But you are a nobody.

L- I got away from you two and now I have a life, I have friends, I have a job. I'm not coming back. You can try anything and everything and I still won't return.

Parents- oh look at you your finally growing up. Good job!

L- Yes I am and I don't need you two to come back and ruin everything.

Parents- If you don't come back home we will report to the police that you ran away.

L- okay do it, and I will tell them everything about you two loving human beings that would abuse me and not feed me and lock me in my room. So yeah go ahead I will have a lawyer waiting.

Parents- Whatever you say dear.

L- Lose my number and don't talk to me ever again. Bye now.

I walked back into the living room where everyone was looking at me. "You good?" Colby asked. "Um Corey can we talk upstairs?" I said pointing up stairs with my thumb. "Yeah sure." He got up and we walked upstairs. "So we need to get a lawyer fast." I said looking at him. "Why what for?" "Mom and dad just called me saying if I didn't return home soon they would report to the cops that I ran away. But I told them I would never go back to them they can try all they want but it won't happen." "Okay, well I doubt they will try to get you back they told me that and look nothing ever happened to me, they just say that just to scare you so you will go back home. I won't let them take you or nor let you leave." He pulled me into a hug and he went back downstairs. I stayed upstairs and changed into pajamas since it was getting late.

I turned my phone off an hour later and went to sleep. I heard my door open but I didn't mind looking knowing it was probably just Colby. He laid beside me and wrapped his arms around me. "What was that call about?" "It was nothing we need to worry about, everything is fine." I turned to him and cuddled into his chest and fell asleep.

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