The real reason.

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** Next day***

I posted my YouTube video today, and I got to thinking today I should tell Corey about the real reason I wanted to move here.

I went downstairs and all the boys and even Devyn were sitting in the living room.

Sam:" Look who's finally awake."

Lexi:" yep, good morning." Um, Corey."

Corey:" yeah sis."

Lexi:" I need to talk to private."

Corey:" um okay? Let's go upstairs."

Lexi:" okay, sorry guys I will return him, it's just super important."

Devyn:" Your totally okay, it's family business non of ours."

We walked upstairs and went to my room. I shut my door and sighed. I slowly walked to my bed and sat down next to Corey.

Corey:" Okay, what's going on."

Lexi:" Corey, there's something I haven't told you and I should have told you sooner, but I was to scared to."

Corey:" Okay, well what is it you can tell me anything sis and you know this."

Lexi:" Corey, please don't get upset." I looked down at my hands and started playing with them.

Corey:" okay your stressing about something, just tell me, I won't get angry or upset I promise."

Lexi:" Corey, right after you moved mom and dad were upset about it. They took all of their anger out on me. They would push me down to the ground, throw me against the walls, punch me, yell at me and call me a "dis appointment" or that " I wasn't worth it" and they would call me ugly, and they would say I was the ugliest person ever. So I thought it was true and it got to the point Corey where I would lock myself in my room, a-a." I couldn't say it without crying, I was already crying but now it was like I was crying a river.

Lexi:" Corey, and it got to the point I would lock myself in the room and cut myself." I still have the scars, then the other day when Shea called me a slut, I went and cut again. I still think I'm ugly, and now I'm not happy in my body, and I think I'm to fat. I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the fresh cuts.

Corey:" Lexi." He has years coming down his face, not as much as me, but he was crying.

Corey:" Lexi, I'm so sorry that I left you, I should've brought you with me but I didn't think they would do the same to you. I wish you texted me sooner, but it's okay. Just promise you won't cut again, when you even think about it just come downstairs and talk to one of us."

Lexi:" thank you Corey."

He brought me into a hug and we sat in a hug for a few minutes.

Lexi:" You should go back downstairs, they're probably missing you." I said with a smile and a small laugh.

Corey:" okay come downstairs later and hang out. "

Lexi:" okay, will do."

I put on one of Corey's hoodies and went downstairs. I went downstairs and everyone just stared at me. I didn't know what they were looking at until I looked down. My sleeves were still rolled up from earlier revealing all of my scars.

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