Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Hailey P.O.V

"Yeah, we had another sister actually. She died, unfortunately when she was 3." he smiled sadly.

I sat there speechless. How did I get myself into such a mess?

Not that it was my idea actually to end up like this.


"So anyway," Aaron cleared his throat, "I've already told our mom and dad. They'll be coming for your birthday party too" he grinned mischievously.

"There's something you're not telling me" I pointed out flatly. His mischievous grin gave it away.

"It's a surprise" he winked. "Now let's eat up and get you out of here or you'd be late for your own party" he smiled as he took a giant scoop out of his ice-cream.

I just grinned & did the same thing..

Ah, Siblings...


"I'll see you later, I guess?" I smiled as we shooked hands.

"Definitely. Be ready" he grinned.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I nodded & grinned back.

He gave me a thumbs-up before pointing his finger to his watch "you better get going, you're late"

My eyes immediately widened as I stole a quick glance at his watch. "Oh brother," I muttered, scratching my head. "Mom's gonna freak"

He just rolled his eyes. "Go,"

"Yeah, see you later!" I screamed as I tore down the road. 

~10 minutes later~

"Where have you been?" Mom demanded the moment I arrived in front of the doorstep, panting like a mad dog.

I was even faster than Nott.

Cool. Not.

"I uh... I went to the park?" I lied, my breathing still unsteady.

Mom quirked an eyebrow "really?" Her eyes ran through my sweaty face, scanning for any lie.

I kept my face neutral and tried to calm down my racing heart.

"Uh yeah. Nott wanted to play so I thought I'd bring him to the park, right boy?" I asked my puppy who had just strolled through the door.

He just barked happily in response.

Thank god he couldn't talk or I'd be dead meat.

"See... mom" I  persuaded, trying to make her believe my pathethic cover up.

She was silent for a moment before she sighed, "Fine, whatever you say. Go get ready now. People would be coming anytime soon"

Phew.. I'm saved.

"Ok" I replied and raced of to my room.


I showered & dried myself before putting on my dress. I tied my hair into a neat bun and applied abit of makeup. Once I was pleased with my apperance, I headed downstairs.

Dad was in the living room doing some last minutes rearrangments. Mom should be in the kitchen.

"Hey dad," I greeted as I walked passed him.

"Hey sweetie," he replied looking up at me. "You look beautiful"

"Thanks" I smiled before walking of to the kitchen.

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