Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hailey P.O.V

what was up with the nickname? I thought but didn't voice it up.

Esmeralda grinned widely at the sales girl infront of us. She must be their regular customer to be so famous here. Oh well, typical her....

"hey Jenn! I need a dress for my sister here. She's having a birthday party later and we need a perfect dress!" Esmeralda informed her, pointing at me.

Jenn beamed. "of course!" she looked at me and smiled sweetly. "come over here dear, I'll show you some dresses at the other side, they'll look perfect on you"

I smiled back at her "I'm Hailey, Esmeralda's sister and yea, sure"

She smiled and nodded her head before taking my hand and dragging me to the other side of the store.

"here, try these on," she instructed as she threw a white knee length dress over to me after looking through a few dresses.

I hung the dress over my shoulder and made my way to the dressing room before removing my old clothes and slipping on the dress.

It looked really beautiful but showed too much of my skin which made me feel really uncomfartable. The back of the dress was practically bare.

"Hailey dear, are you done? can I see it?" Jenn asked after a moment.

I shooked my head even though she couldn't see it "no, I don't really like it. But it's beautiful"

I didn't wait for her response before taking the dress off and headed back outside.

Jenn frowned at me. "we wanted to see what you looked like in that dress you know"

I just shrugged at her "sorry, I'll show you the next one"

Her frown didn't disappear but she nodded anyway.

Esmeralda shot me a glare before helping Jenn look for another dress.

I sighed and help them start looking for a nice and decent dress, maybe then we'll be able to get out of here quicker.


"this is definitely the one!" Jenn shouted happily as she took out a dark purple dress.

I gasped. It was beautiful! Far by the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. So far, I've tried over 6 dresses and there's always something that ticks me off. But this one, it looks absolutely perfect.

"try it on. Now. It's perfect Hailey!" Esmeralda grinned, taking the dress out of Jenn's grasp and pushing me to the dressing room. "put it on and let us see it," she ordered.

For once, I had nothing to object so I merely nodded and closed the door, grinning stupidly at my reflection before slipping on the dress.




I turned around to face the mirror and gasped.

It. looks. amazing.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

The dress was simply, utterly beautiful.

It made me look different.

This is definitely the one.

I opened the door and walked outside. Esmeralda and Jenn were busy gossiping about the latest fashion whatsoever. When they heard me clearing my throat to get their attention, they immediately turned around and gasped.

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