Chapter 36

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*Amanda's pov*

"What do you mean by you can't feel anything?" My father questioned for the umpteenth time from the frighten woman who let out a tired sigh. I somehow feel bad for her. She is on a condition of needing rest the most, yet here we are stressing her out beyond belief.

"Alpha I believe what you said. How couldn't I when every single person here confirmed it as eye witnesses." Songmi's eyes traveled all over our faces as she uttered those words calmly before stopping those concerned gaze on me who stood in the farthest corner of the room, eyeing my mate that laying on his father's lap unconscious. "But as I said, I can't sense a wolf in him. Nor any supernatural creature. He is obviously a human. A normal human!" She let out those words carefully and slowly giving our brains time to digest those words. My father let out a tired groan as the rest shook their's heads in several mix emotions. The man that sat proudly on the bed gently brushing my mate's silky locks in a soothing manner, looked lost in thoughts as he analyzed he kept his gaze fixed on his son's.

"Agrhhhh.... This whole damn thing is confusing!" Jungkook groaned snatching his hair in frustration. "We all clearly saw and felt his wolf. Heck we even submit to his alpha aura. And after he entered the house he collapsed and just like that he is back to a normal human!" The boy paced back and forth while explaining those sentences for the hundredth time.

"I know Jungkook! You already told that more than ten times. And how couldn't I believe it when everyone here witnessed it." Songmi said calmly relaxing under her husband's warmth who had her on a side hug, sitting beside my mate.

"Then why can't you feel it?" He questioned, all riled up with this whole situation.

"That's enough!" Finally I decide to step in reminding all of them that I am also in this room. All this time I have been standing in this corner silently trying to processed what exactly happened to my mate. He appeared out of no where and threw that show in front of everyone before loosing his conscious. Not to mention after that his scent became stronger to the point that it has been driving my wolf nut. She just want to throw everyone out of this room and keep him in our embrace. Just he and us. No one else. Yet I can't! We have to figure out what's happening with my mate. Ever since I start giving our bond a chance and trying to accept him, my normal human mate is no longer normal. Or maybe he wasn't normal in the first place and I just start to notice it after trying to know who he really is. I don't know actually. The only thing I know is my mate isn't just a wolfless weak alpha just like everyone thought. There is more into him. The more I get closer to him the more secret unrevealed. Kim Taehyung is a mystery. A mystery that Amy is bound to reveal.


"No buts Jungkook!" I cut in holding my hand in the air to stop him. "We know how powerful she is. If she can't feel it then leave it. I don't say we should let go of this matter. I am just telling let's wait and see. First we have to focus on him. And why he isn't waking up." I stated looking at her eyes for the answer. All eyes turned towards her at as those words registered in their dazed brains.  

"He will soon. And I suggest you to leave the room before he do so Amy!" She said in a apologetic tone making all of us confused except my mate's father and his friends who stiffened as she let out those words. I scrunched my face in confusion and my wolf hissed in my head, disliking those words. I start to feel her anger bubbling up inside my mind and decide to push it down wanting to listen to the reason behind those words from her.

"Why should she leave dear? She is his mate!" My mum said kindly, not wanting to offend the pregnant woman.

"It's better she stays away from him for few days since he is going through his heat!" Several gasped filled the silence room as the utter dumbfound faces stare at her like she just said the worst joke of year.

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