Chapter 17

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*Amanda's pov*

"You look awful!" Jungkook remarked seeing me dragging my body to the cafeteria. Of course I am! I am fucking tired you idiot! I wanted to say, but bit back my tongue. It's not his fault that I decided to become a hero and patrol whole night even without getting a glimpse of sleep.

"Thanks!" I replied sarcastically taking a seat across him next to my mate. I sightly glanced at Taehyung's side to see whether he has any objections with it, but he didn't scoot away or didn't look surprise. That relief my worries. I think he is getting use to me.

"Did you find anything last night?" Jimin asked placing my plate of food in front of me. I shook my head heaving a tired sigh glancing at my food with no appetite.

"You know its' not gonna go down your throat automatically. You have to eat it." My head snapped to my side when I heard my mate's voice to see him already glancing at me and my food back and forth. He must have noticed my stares. Everyone glanced at him too, with a shock face and waiting for my reaction, but to their's surprise I didn't snapped at him like I would usually do. Instead I gave him a light smile before grabbing the spoon and forcing the food down my throat for his sake. I asked him to eat more not long ago to stay healthy. So I can't skip a meal. Specially not in front of him. That wouldn't be a perfect example. Now would it?

"Hey is it okay if I stay at Taehyung's for the night?" Jungkook directed that question towards me stopping me from the process of showing food down my throat.

"Any special reason?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"We are having a sleep over!" He shrugged.

"We?" This time Kayla asked craning her neck to glance up at that idiot.

"Me, Taehyung, J-hope and Jimin." He answered looking down at her with his famous whipped smile.

"But you asked permission only for you!" J-hope reminded.

"Ya! If Jimin wants to go, he should ask himself. I wouldn't risk getting a ear full from Amy for the two of us!" He answered with a nonchalant tone before going back to devouring his food.

"Traitor!" I heard Jimin muttering under his breath.

"Actually Jungkook , I don't think-" I started to deciding to decline because of that whole rouge thing last night. I am not sure what would happen today. So I would need my beta by my side.

"Can you please send them? I never had a sleep over with friends. This would be my first time." Taehyung said in a small voice, almost pleading stopping me from mid-sentence. I glanced at him and saw his puppy dog eyes. Oh no! Not that! I saw from a corner of my eyes Kayla covering her mouth and giggling behind it. Taehyung is literally glancing at me with big glistening eyes like a five years old child asking for candy. I mentally groaned giving into those puppy eyes for the second time.

"Okay!" I finally said sighing in defeat. He start to squeal in happiness, bouncing on his seat making my heart to skip a beat. Seeing his infamous boxy smile tickles my heart in a pleasant way. I felt something in my heart at that moment. Something pleasant yet foreign, but I couldn't pin point that. The only thing I am sure about right now is that his cuteness would be the death of mine one day.


"25!" I counted standing on the side towering the both figures as I kept a cold expression on my face. Taehyung collapsed into the ground gasping for air. I could even hear his fast heart beat against the morning breeze. I narrowed my eyes directing it towards the mate who is laying in the floor. For a millisecond my cold facade shattered as I felt hot all over my body seeing his sweat covering body, drenching his shirt and making his body lines visible, but before they could realized I schooled them back mentally scolding myself for loosing control there for a second. "15 more sit ups Taehyung. Get on to it. We don't have time for a rest!" I said sternly in a cold tone glancing ahead.

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