Chapter 6

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*Amanda's pov*

"Agrhhhh....!" Jungkook groaned tapping my leg rapidly which I placed on his chest, pining him to the ground. I lift my leg with a smirk knowing that I won the battle and turned to grab the water bottle resting on the ground.

"One day I will beat you!" He uttered with a determine tone, getting up from the ground while dusting his pants.

"In your dreams!" I scoffed before gulping down the water greedily.

"I didn't knew you love me so much to the point that you wish to be in my dreams also." He cooed teasingly and snatched the water bottle from me. Instead of snapping back at him like usual, I just roll my eyes and grabbed the small white towel from the floor to wipe my sweaty face. It's already getting dark and here I am doing extra training even though training session ended one hour ago. Jungkook being the good beta he is decide to train with me  and end up loosing an other battle with me.

"Oh come on Amy!" Jungkook groaned "You are not like that! What is wrong with you? Don't be blank like that. You are getting distant from us." he complained. I think this is his loosing point. He had enough with my blank face for last past week after his brother humiliated me. "Just forget about what ever that dick said. He is stupid for not understanding your value. Move on Amy! You are so much more than he knows. he doesn't deserve you girl!" He mumbled softly bringing a light smile to my face. This is what I love about him. No matter what he always know how to lighten my mood with his smooth words.

"Aren't you going home?" I questioned changing the subject and start walking towards pack house. He sighed knowing what I am doing, but nonetheless followed me.

"No! I am staying in the pack house." he shrugged.

"Why?" I stopped on my track to spare him a glance and noticed the uneasiness on his expression.

"They are having a family gathering tonight to welcome the new member to family. You know my so call future sister-in-law!" He muttered looking irritate for talking about that subject.

"You are family Jungkook! You should be there to welcome her."

"No thanks! I would pass. It's better to get beaten up my ass by you than greeting that fake manipulative sister-in-low of mine." I couldn't help but to chuckle at his choice of words.

"So you are choosing me over Yuri?" I questioned, starting walking towards my house again.

"Of course I will! I am not an idiot like my brother. I will always choose you over anyone." He answered confident boosting in his tone with his answer.

"Even over your mate?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish before smiling at me confidently again, making me confused.

"In that case I would choose my mate!" he said with a bright smile " Cause I know that my mate will always choose you!" He added before I could get offended.

"How are you so sure about that?"

"Cause it's Kayla! That girl would never go against you. She is like a second mother to you!" I chuckled at that. He is so whipped for her. Both of them are whipped for each other, but neither of them have courage to confess to each other. I like how Jungkook believe that Kayla is his mate, but now I am scared for them. Cause this is how I was few weeks ago. Believing some one else as my mate and crazily loving him, look where it ended me. I shook me head at with a light chuckle. "By the way you look hot on those tank top and denim short!" He winked in a flirty way.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"If it's working then Yes, if it's not, then I am trying to boost your ego." I rolled my eyes at his playful answer. He is helpless. God bless to you Kayla with this boy!

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