Chapter 27

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*Amanda's pov*

"Enough!" My voice boomed in the woods as I stood there stunned looking down at the duo in disbelief. Kayla's wolf whimpered as it struggled to get free form the death grip my mate has on her neck. Taehyung sat on her back straddling her while she lay flat on her stomach underneath him. When my voice reached them my mate immediately let go of her and stood up letting the wolf to stand on its' foot too. The glimpse of a predator that has on his eyes a millisecond ago totally vanished into this air as he cast a apologetic look at Kayla's wolf.

"I am not doing this shit again!" Kayla said through the link as her wolf form relaxed the muscles on its' neck that got strangled a few seconds ago by my mate.

It's Wednesday evening and so I decide to train him in the woods with the help of my dear mother like friend. Since he has match this Friday we wouldn't be able to continue our training cause he is busy with practicing. Even Tae is wolf-less, he still has the alpha blood on him. So if he trained enough like I said in the beginning of our training it wouldn't be hard for him to beat a wolf lower than his rank. So I decided to start training him on fighting with a wolf that lower than his rank. Who would be a perfect choice than my female beta friend. What shocked me was it's his first day fighting a wolf and he already had that wolf underneath him whimpering within 10 minutes. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HOW ON EARTH IS THAT POSSIBLE?

"Don't judge a book by its' cover Amy!" Yoongi's word from that day cross my mind sending a chill down my spine. Ever since he told me that, I start to pay attention to every little move my mate made. And true enough I caught him changing. He is totally a different person if you payed attention to him close enough. Sure in other's eyes he is still that innocent, shy  and nerdy boy. But if you look closer you will realize that his silence is a way more of a intimating others than being shy. Minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day he is starting to get more intimating, dominate and powerful, both physically and mentally. He is a puzzle. A puzzle that I am obsessed to solve. His every single detail is enduring and I would never get tired of studying him. I want to reach the deepest of his heart and know who really he is.

"What is next?" Kayla's words brought me back to present and I realized that somewhere in my ramblings about my mate in my mind, she shifted back and changed into her casual jogging cloths.  I heaved out a long sigh before  letting the arms down that rest against my waist and loosing muscles.

"Now he fights with me!" Both of them gave me a dumbfound look, like I just told them that I am alien distinguish as a wolf and I love eating grass. I groaned before setting to explain to those two idiots. "He already beat a beta wolf. Now the next level. Fighting a alpha!" I explained as Kayla's eyes widened in horror unlike my mate who narrowed his eyes at my statement.

"I am not hitting you!" He said in a stern voice, scrunching his face into a scowl, folding his arms over the chest. Kayla let out a screech glancing at him like he just hit his head somewhere.

"BOY ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" She yelled as he looked at her sudden outburst confused. "What made you think, you can even lay a nail on her? Have you ever seen her in a battle field? She is a beast. A BEAST!" Kayla screeched throwing her arms over air for exaggeration. But to my surprise my mate stood unaffected by her out burst glancing down at her rambling like a crazy women without even changing a single muscle on his face.

"I am not hitting her!" He said again to her, totally ignoring what she just said. Kayla's jaws dropped as well as mine. Wow! He is boosting with confident.

"Okay you don't have to hit me. Just try to avoid my punches and pin me down!" I said as a compromise which was a mistake. His eyes darkened as he clenched his teeth. His posture totally hardened as the air around him shifted.

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