Chapter 44

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In a few seconds I'm at the main entrance. I wipe the unwanted tears that were continuously falling from my eyes. I was so angry at myself for trusting him. How could I? How could I think he would fall for an ordinary girl like me? Why was I so naive? After all I'm a commoner to him.

He will never choose me over her. Of course. So what if I would choose him over and over again. Because yes, I am in love with Harry. I love him with all my heart. Maybe he reciprocated just to get in my pants. Yes, that has to be it. I take a taxi to my house.

Two three knocks on the door then my dad opens the door.

"April?" he asks, surprised by my sudden visit.

"Hey, daddy." I say in a voice hoarse from crying. I cross him and enter our living room.

"April? Have you been crying?" he asks, concerned, "Did you have a fight with Harry?"

"No, not at all." my voice cracks a bit in the end so I clear my throat twice, "Just here to spend some days with you." I see my mom coming down, she smiles as she sees me. I give her a quick hug.

"Sweetheart, such sudden visit? Is everything alrigh?" she asks me.

"So now I can't come to visit you without any reason, that is it? I know you married me off but guess what? You are still stuck with me!" I thump off to my room, avoiding any sort of eye contact with them. No, I can't, I can't face it. I can't face them. I can't tell them that they have made the biggest mistakes of their lives by marrying me to that monster who just thinks about himself.

Either I'm very naive or he is a very good actor. The former has more probably than the latter of course. I bury my head in the pillow, wishing to be dead. I shake my head refusing to believe that all his affection, all his love was fake. It never felt fake. The way he touched me, loved me, held me, supported me, it never felt fake. Maybe I was too blindsided by my own affection towards him.

"April?" my mom softly calls me name, "What happened? See, I know that whatever has happened is between you and Harry and I shouldn't intervene but I am not going to see my daughter curl up and cry."

"He cheated on me." I blurt out at once in a voice that I don't think was audible to her. Yet, I was as I heard her gasp loudly. Wow, my mom's hearing is beyond perfect for her age.

"A-are y-you sure?" she asks me.

"Yes, she was in his house this morning. She must have slipped in thinking nobody was in the house." I say, my voice absolutely devoid of emotions. Slowly I lift my head from the pillow to look at my frozen from the information I had just given her. Then she started pacing back and forth in my room. It's hard to tell whether she is angry or guilty.

"I always told your father this was a wrong idea!" she mumbles to herself. The door bell rings once, twice, thrice, then again and again. Harry! It's him!

"It's him." she says to me and I nod, "Stay here, I'll deal with this boy." this is most angry I have seen my mom in ages. Last time the barometer of her anger broke when my dad forgot their anniversary when I was young. I was fun fight to watch with my dad listening to my mom's shouting with his head bowed down.

I hear distant voice at the door and an urge to go outside takes me over. I step out of my bed and walk to the door. The shouting voice of my mom is becoming clear now that I am at my rooms door.

"Mr Harry Styles, you better leave here before I call security and throw you out!" her eyes were burning holes in Harry. I couldn't see his face properly.

"Mrs Grey, please just lemme talk to Apr--!"

"Don't even dare to say my daughter's name with that filthy mouth of yours!" I move forward in order to see Harry's face. It send a sharp pain through my chest. That oblivious face! His eyes are soft and begging. He's worried sick. Tears fall of my eyes as I see my mom shout at him. She grabs his hand and almost pushes him out. My legs involuntarily march forward to stop my mom. When I enter the living room his eyes meet mine and almost fall. Those green eyes. They weren't dark, they were sad yet so beautiful that can make you fall for them again and again.

"April!" he says and moves towards me. My body aches for his hug. What has he done to me? This man has played me and yet all I could think right now is how loved his embraces feel. With all my mental strength take few steps back and hold my palm up to stop him. Pain flashes through his eyes.

"Leave Harry!" I say.


"I said leave!" I scream and break down letting the tears fall. My mom comes to my side hugging me.

"Look what have you done to my daughter, you monster!!"

Finally, I hear footsteps of Harry leaving. I go back to my bedroom and cry myself to sleep.

One week later...

No calls, no messages. Harry and I have become strangers again. I have not had the courage to ask my father whether he's doing okay or not. I have busied myself in the orphanage again. Ethan has shifted Noah to his apartment so that he doesn't disturb any of the other children with his tantrums.

Today is Sunday morning and my parents are very relaxed without any office. I join them on the breakfast table.

"Good morning, sweetheart." they chorus.

"Morning." I mumble, still grumpy from sleep. I sleep a lot these days. My mom makes me a breakfast plate of sausages, bacon and boiled eggs. As soon as I toss the sausage in my mouth I feel utterly nauseous. It's the first time something like this has happened. I love sausages. I ignore the feeling and continue to eat. The sudden urge to vomit keeps increasing. I run to the washroom and empty my stomach.

"April? Sweetheart, are you okay?" my mom comes in.

"Yeah, I'm fine mom." I answer, "I felt nauseous when I ate that sausage. When did you bring them?" I join them.

"Yesterday evening." my dad says, "Sausages are fine, we had them too. Maybe you are sick. Let's get her check by a doctor Liz."

"Sure." my mom nods. She orders me to change. I go to my room and look at the calendar. Shit! I'm four days late! What the hell?

"April!" my mom hurries in, "Are you late?" she asks me panicking.

"Yes." I say in a low voice. We stare at each other in horror. No! No! That can't be it! How's the possible? We did use... Oh my God, we didn't! I'm about to faint when my mom shakes me.

"April, it's okay. Don't be so stressed, please." She cups my face, "Sweetheart, you rest. I'll see you in a bit."

I sit on the edge of the bed staring at blankness for God knows how my hours when my mom returns with a pregnancy test in her hand. I get up and move to the bathroom.

The fifteen minutes wait have been the worst fifteen of my entire life. After fifteen minutes my mom gets up to see the result. The horror on her face is enough to make my world spin. Darkness surrounds me as I fall on the bed.

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