Chapter 20

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It's been 2 weeks since we are in New York. After my grand birthday celebration (note the sarcasm) I spend most of my days in the bed reading a novel or surfing through my phone. I found a random app for reading novels online and that is the silver lining in my life right now. Rebecca and Emily often come to cheer me up but it's useless.

Every night I cry myself to sleep and I know Harry is well aware of it. He doesn't face me during the day. His lunches and dinners are outside and we both are doing a great job ignoring each other. I mostly cry until I don't have any tears left to shed. Harry has ruined me in a way I couldn't have ever imagined.

My mom calls me twice a day to check if I am still breathing. That's what left in me. Just breathing. David does his best to keep me distracted but I eventually send him away as well. Nothing brings peace to me. Emily's smile and laughter brings a little light in my dark world but that's temporary. Rebecca now knows how fond I am of Emily so she send Emily over whilst her work.

My phone rings and I look over the table to see that Anne is calling me. I ignore the call. It's been a while since I am ignoring her calls but the last thing I want right now is someone to talk on behalf of Harry. I just can't take it.

It's 9 o'clock in the evening and order room service. I finish my dinner quickly and get in the bed with my novel again. I'm so emotional right now that everything makes me cry. Even when a character dies in the novel I end up crying my eyes out. I don't know what's up with me lately. I have lost myself somewhere in darkness. Just like Harry. He has lost himself in the light of media, business, show off, paparazzi, fame... He is not himself and he knows it. I often think of how he is really like.

Is he a caring and loving person? If I were not his unwanted wife and if I were his girlfriend, would he treat me differently? What was he like when he was a child? Was he always this temperamental? What about Kendall? Was she happy with him? Was he happy with her? There are so many questions that I am seeking answers to. But there is no where I can get them.

Wait! There is one place I can get my answers from. Harry's friends. Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn. He told me on the rehearsal dinner they are not friends they are family. I'm sure they will be ready to help me. I pick up my phone... There are 5 missed calls from Gemma and 6 from Anne. I ignore them and call Niall.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Niall, this is April. Umm, we haven't really been introduced but I'm Harry's wife."

"Uhh, here talk to Zayn." he hurriedly says and hands the phone to Zayn.

"Hi, who's this?"

"Zayn this is April..." I begin again.

"I'm sorry I can't talk right now I'm in a meeting. Gimme half an hour, I'll reach back to you, I promise."

"Okay," I say.

"Bye." he hangs up. I somewhat know he is lying. But that must be for a reason. I lay in the bed and wait for Zayn to call me back. I don't realise when I fall asleep until I hear constant knocking on the door.

I check the time, it's 4 a.m. in the morning. Who's there at four in the morning? I walk to the door and gulp before I open the door. The pounding doesn't stop. I click the door open and see a women around my age carrying a half asleep Harry.

"Are you his wife?" she asks.

"No," I say. I don't know why I lied.

"Well help me!" she sharply says.

"Your... whoever he is to you was way too drunk. At first I took him to my house. I thought he know... But then he kept saying he is married while I tried to change him into something more comfortable. But this man wouldn't even let me touch him. So called the first number on his speed dial but no one picked up. Then I called the second number and his assistant told me this address." she goes on telling me as we adjust Harry on the bed.

"Were you thinking of having sex with him?" I blurt out without thinking.

"Well yes!" she winks, "I mean look at this man. He is way too flawless to not have sex with. He was perfectly drunk and before he got so wasted he was flirting with me so I thought I might have a chance." she says without hesitation, "Oh my God, is his wife here? I hope I'm not in trouble."

"He was flirting with you?"

"Yeah, totally."

"Well, his wife is not here. Don't worry." I assure her in a cracking voice.

"Okay, I better go. Take care of him." she says and barges out.

I look at Harry sleeping and wonder why is he did he drink so much. I throw myself on the couch and soon fall asleep.

In the morning when I wake up it's 9. I hear Harry's in the shower. He comes out with a towel wrapped around his wet torso. I walk past him into the washroom and freshen up. When I come out my body is aching for a coffee and to my luck there is so kept in a cup. I take a sip and cherish as the liquid spreads warmth in my chest.

"That's my cup." Harry states, "I was drinking that coffee."

Eww!! I instantly feel nauseous and run back to the washroom. I rinse my mouth thoroughly over and over again. But it's not enough.

When I come back Harry is drinking from 'his' cup. We hear a hurried knocking of the door.

"Mr Styles, it's David. Open up! Fast!"

"What is it?" Harry asks as he opens the door.

"Where were you last night, sir?" he counter questions instead of answering.

"In my office." he lies.

"Sir, did a women bring you here?"


"Yes, a woman brought him here." I correct Harry. Why is he lying to David?

"Well then we are in trouble." he turns towards me.

"David, will you cut the crap and get to the point." I say sharply. I don't know why but it annoys me when I think of the woman who brought Harry home. She was wanting to have sex with someone who is married. It's good that Harry didn't let her touch him. I mean not that I care but that's a very sluttish act. Taking advantage of someone who is drunk. Cliché.

"Look at this." he shows us the newspaper of this morning. Harry's eyes go wide as soon as he reads the headlines. There was a picture of drunk Harry in the bar and then the woman carrying him to the hotel with big bold letters :

Is Harry Styles cheating on his beloved wife?!

Was all his affection a lie?!

"Fuck," I and Harry say at the same time.

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