chapter 6

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April's POV 

The next day.... 

I wake up to find myself on the couch. It's very early in the morning, I don't even remember falling asleep. I check the watch, it's 4:30 in the morning. I lay down on the couch again, but sleep doesn't come. The room is full of darkness so I get up and switch on the lights. I jump, as I suddenly see Harry standing by the window. Whoa! He is not asleep. Or what if he doesn't sleep at all? Freaking hell, what if he is a vampire?! Arghhhh!! I facepalm myself to shut up. Mental note : being obsessed with Vampire Diaries is not a good thing. 

"Uh - good morning." I say and Harry turns around. 

"Morning." he replies, "Why are you up?" 

"No reason. When did I sleep?" 

"You fell asleep on the couch while reading your novel." 

"Ohhh, and where is my novel?" 

He signals to the side table where my novel was kept. 

"Thank you. Uh - why are you up?" 

"Couldn't sleep," he mutters. 

"Oh, why?" Shit! I shouldn't ask so many questions, he is starting to get annoyed. Maybe. I never understand the expressions on that face. 

"Do you even realize what a life changing thing has happened with us?" 

Memories of the wedding day flash back in front of my eyes. I have nothing to say. 

"And it's all your goddamn fault!!" his voice rises. He paces past me and goes outside. No, no, no! Harry it's not my fault!! I did what I had to do!! I wanted to scream these words out loud but I knew no one would listen. But I do understand that Harry is not wrong, I ruined his life. I let out a deep sigh and sit on the sofa. 

I'm startled by ringing of Harry's phone. I reach to see that Louis is calling him. Instinctively, I pick up the phone, but then I realize Harry will kill me for this. 

"Hello??" Louis says.  

"Hi, it's April!" I reply. 

"Hey April, how's your honeymoon going? Harry giving you a nice time?" 

"Uh- sure." 

"You don't sound so sure." He says suspiciously, "Anyway, I'm still mad at you for taking Harry away from me." 

"Aww, Louis," I cooed, "Do you really think anyone can take your Harry away from you?" 

"Well actually, that's true too. So, where's that loser?"

"Uh- he has gone---" I am cut off by Harry who snatched the phone from my hand. 

"Hey bro, what's up." he says. He went outside for the rest of the talk. Meanwhile I decided to take a long, refreshing shower. Oh, I forgot to bring my clothes. I wrap the towel around my body and peek through the door. I see half of the room, no sign of Harry. Good. 

I open the door and go outside.

"Alright, listen up here!" Harry appears from behind while I search for my clothes. I get startled by his sudden presence. Good gracious, this boy really does possess the invisibility cloak. 

"You are not allowed to touch my stuff!" he continues. I ignore him. What does he think of himself? As if he is some kind of king or something. 

"Do I make myself clear? Answer me!" I continue to ignore him and pace towards the bathroom. 

"Don't you even dare to try that with me!" he swings me around and pins me to the wall. 

"What the hell?!" I yell, "I'm not one of your staff members, so stop treating me like one!! Now let go of me!!" and suddenly I could feel my towel slip a little from my body. Holy shit!!! I quickly grab it with one hand and try to push him away with the other. 

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