Our ending

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That as I began to leave Skull Rock, Felix stopped me. "were you goin' tha?" Tha was Felix's nickname fir me. Was It really that hard to add and E in the middle of that!?

"Im going... to... see my brother. Hes in the mermaid well er.... merman? MERFOLK! lagoon. He turned-" i started but felix interrupted me.

"I know all about you and your brothers deal and you don't need to worry about it any longer. Oh by the way you to, Fish for dinner!" he said excitedly.

Peter looked up at me and spun me around like in those romanic novels or movies. I hugged him tightly.

"I just spared you guys a month! geeze!" felix said grumpily.

I stopped smiling for a moment and tried to imagine a whole month without Peter. Tears swelled up in my eyes and I quickly brushed them away.

"Thea?" Peter asked.

"Just trying to imagine a whole month without you." I explained.

"Well that will never happen." he said.

I stared at him weirdly and he got down on one knee. "Thea we have been together for nearly 100 years and I have loved every moment of it. When I thought you how to catch arrows right in this very spot, I knew I was falling for you. You have been at my side through everything and I cant tell you how good it feels for someone to love me.

I never want to let you go and Im sorry for what happened earlier, I was stressed out.

You, Thea, are the love of my life and that will never change. I dont even want to imagine a DAY without you and I want to make sure that never happens. Thea.... will you marry me?" He asked. Tears of happiness streamed down my face and I couldn't even speak. All I could do was nod and cry more.

I was 117 years old and this was the moment I have been waiting for my entire life. I couldn't have imagined it to be any better.

The rest of all time and eternity with Peter Pan. On Neverland. Running with the lost boys. Hanging out with Tinker belle. I met Captian Hook.

I am living a fantasy.

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