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"Please. How about a deal?" Rumplestiltskin said to me.

"What kind of deal?" I said grumpily.

"You keep the boy for a few more days, And if we dint find another way to save her, You can use his heart. But! The boy comes with us, and gets to see his family.

I thought about this for a moment. Either way I would get Thea back right? And I think she would have liked it better if she lived without anyone getting hurt... "Deal." I said as I shook his hand. "We start looking for other ways right now." I said firmly.

My 'father' nodded. "You really love her don't you boy?" He said to me.

"More then anything and I will do anything to get her back." I said.

He led me to the healing spring. The healing spring had magical powers that could heal anyone... as long as they were still alive that is.

"Shes dead, That wont help her." I explained.

"This alone wont help her... but I have a few other things in mind." Rumplestiltskin said. He found a dream shade bush near by, and added a few drops of the dream shade to a small glass of the water. It turned into a blueish color.

"And this will save her?" I asked.

"Eh, Possibly, but there is only one thing more powerful then magic, Love. This will make her heal, but afterwards she should go into a sleeping curse, witch only true loves kiss can wake her." He explained.

"THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!" i asked. I transported to skull rock. My father followed me.

I carried her bridal style to the camp, I wanted her to feel comfortable when she woke up. As we approached the camp the lost boys gathered around us.

I went into my house that was in a hallow tree, and laid her down on my bed. I took the cup of healing water / dream shade and put it to her lips. A few minutes later I could hear her breathing. She was going to live!

Suddenly my dark side started to show, I had started showing my darker side at random times.

'Why do you care that she lives' My mind argued with myself.

'Because I love her!'

'But shes hideous!'

'Shes the most beautiful girl i've ever seen, shes like an angel.'

'What will the lost boys think when she comes back? What if they think your growing up by having feelings for a stupid girl?!'

'I dont care what they think now SHUT UP'. I argued with my self.

I lightly brushed away some hair that was in her face. I just stared at her. "100 years of waiting, for you." I said to her. "I'll love you forever no matter what." I leaned in closer to her.

Our lips touched lightly. Suddenly I felt her kiss me back. I pulled away and stared at her. "Thea?" I asked.

"Peter." She said soothingly. I waited to hear her voice for what felt like forever. I smiled and picked her up, and spun her around, witch made her giggle.

"You saved me!" She said. I smiled. Suddenly I remembered Rumple was there to.

"You may go now." I said coldly.

"Not without Henry, may I remind you." He said.

"I dont care about that.. boy! Just leave!"

"WE MADE A DEAL, SON!" he yelled at me.

"Son?" Thea asked.


"PETER!" Thea screamed at me. "GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS!"

I rolled my eyes. "Felix get the boy, We are gonna play a game." He called out.


A lost boy, Felix, grabbed me out of my cell and dragged me to Pan. "Let's play." Pan said nastily.

"Peter please don't!" Cried a girl who was standing very close to him, they were holding hands.

"No Thea, I need to do this." pan replied.

Pan tied me up to a pole that was surrounded by hay. All the lost boys had bows, and arrows with fire on the end.

"Ready... Aim...f-"

"STOP!" said the girl, Thea I believed. She stood in front of me, protectively. "This is not who you are Peter, And if you changed this badly, I dont want anything to do with you. In fact, If this is the new you, I don't love you anymore. I mean how could I love A boy who would kill an innocent child! Peter He's only 10 or..."

"I'm 12." I whispered to her.

"12! And peter... how old are you?" She asked.

"18" He mumbled.

"Exactly! He is helpless and smaller then you! Now, let him go, Or I go!" she yelled.

Pan started shaking, His whole body was shaking uncontrollably. He fell to the ground, Thea rushed to his side.

"Peter?" She said softly. He started screaming in pain. Suddenly I saw a black shadowy figure disconnect to him. It was completely black and about his size but it send chills through your bones just by looking at it! The shadow started howling and disappeared.

"Peter? Please wake up! Peter!" The girl said


"Peter? Please wake up! Peter!" I said.

Tears streamed down my face, The last thing I told his was that I no longer loved him! But that was A lie. The boys put down their arrows and Peters dad Untied henry.

"I'm...i'm afraid you don't know me." Peter said to me.

"Wha-" i started to ask.

"I'm Peter, just Peter, and I love you." He said. I smiled and kissed him.

"What just happened?" I asked him.

"You kissed me...." He said, teasingly.

"No with your shadow."

"I guess since you were brave enough to stand up to me and tell me what I was doing was wrong, The evilness, or my shadow of evilness, Had been destroyed. You saved me."

I smiled. But then a dark cloud blocked the sun....

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