With that fear, I'm scared that he might never come back. I know it's stupid but I can't help but think that when he left, he didn't mean forever. Even though if he did come back he wouldn't want anything to do with me, not knowing what he's doing or how he is kills me. Jesse barely mentions him, only causally as if to only remind me that he still calls.

I haven't thought about calling or texting him, but I will admit the urge is there. I know, however that even if I did call he wouldn't answer. So instead I keep a journal where I just scream at him for all that he's done, it really keeps me sane. It's sort of a screw you letter that I never send. I'm not happy, but I've been better since he left. One thing that really drives me crazy is how badly I reliably lean on Jesse. I try not to because I don't want to have to rely on anyone to do things for myself, but sometimes I literally can't.

Lately I've been getting really sick. The good thing is they only last a day, Jesse always calls a doctor who tells me in not getting enough iron and just slips some into my blood stream, then I sleep the rest of the day. But I don't like that doctor guy or getting sick because I sleep too much and then I forget things. It's like every time I sleep I forget something.

The worst part is that I can't stop it, there's no way I can find the cause or slow it down. Jesse thinks it's a bad idea to tell the doctors because who ever is doing it might have dirty cops and doctors waiting. I agree, but sitting around doing nothing annoys me beyond belief. And today feels like a bad day. It been snowing these last couple of days making the house so much colder than usual, it's probably why I'm getting sick. I grab a big heavy blanket and curl up into a ball on my couch when my nose starts bleeding, again. It's a small nose bleed, nothing big but they're getting more common.

So I put on movie, Disney as usual, and drink some tea Jesse dropped off with toilet paper up my nose enjoying the earth from my blanket. After a few minutes my eyes began to droop and it's hard for me to stay awake. When I try to speak out loud my words slur heavily, and my cup in my hand tips over and spills as I collapse onto the cushion next to me.

In my dream I hear the ringing. I can't place the ring anywhere particularly, but it feels urgent. When it stops I feel almost a little panicked, like its insisting something. It begins to ring again and I throw myself awake. My phone vibrates on the floor again and I rush to pick it up

"Hello?" "Kylie I need you to listen I only have a matter of seconds to talk okay?" "Harry?" I choke out

"It's me. Listen have you finished the book? Have you figured it out? Do you know who it is? What the game is?"

"No, what do you mean?"

"I can't tell you, my times running out. Listen you have to know. I can't go back. Not now"

"Harry wait-"

"Kylie you have to know that I still-" and the line cut.

"No no no" I said trying to redial back but the number was disconnected. Tears streaked my face without me really noticing as i threw my phone at the wall making it fall apart. "Great" I picked up a pillow and screamed into it, crying at the same time.

His voice was the same. The same perfect mixture of smooth and husky, the way my name rolled off his tongue was achingly painful to hear again unprepared. He sounded scared, but not out of fear for him but for me. He wanted me to finish the book, my book. He wanted me to figure out the game. I wasn't sure what to figure out though.

I hate all this half answer shit, why can't I ever get a straight answer? I threw off my blanket and stood up in a rush when I heard a crack. I cried out in pain and tripped, rolling over to examine my foot. The cup that had shattered on the floor was now deeply embedded into my foot. I limped to the couch with shaking hands and ripped out the glass. Blood gushed out as I pressed down on the wound, the smell of blood made my nose scrunch in disgust.

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