Chapter 82

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Song for chapter: Better Place By Rachel Platten


     Mum had gone with Bukky to make her hair for school on Monday. I was left home alone. Dad wasn't supposed to come home early, but he did much to my dismay. It was just one in the afternoon. I couldn't tell if he was here to pick up something or if he was done for the day. If the latter were the case I wouldn't be too surprised, after the lawsuit incident, dad's company was sinking. He was desperately looking for a way to revive his company, it was so bad that he no longer went to work as often. Sometimes, he would go to work twice a week.

     Dad alighted the car and he did not look happy, he looked upset. He shoved his briefcase at my chest and proceeded to the front door. I inaudibly gulped, praying I wouldn't do anything to upset him or that he wouldn't suddenly get the urge to take his anger out on me.

I walked into the house and found him by the bar, he'd already poured himself a drink. He had his phone pressed against his ear, arguing with the person on the other end.

"What do you mean you're pulling the plug on us? My people are expecting the cargo.... Yes the previous cargo was damaged but - no wait, the tugboats are capable..... You heard wrong, that lawsuit isn't going to happen..... For godsake, listen-"

Then he became silent. I assumed the call had been disconnected. I tried to hasten my steps because this was usually when he became wild.

     Suddenly I held him roar out in anger, followed by the sound of glass crashing against the wall. I jumped when I realised how close it was to me, unfortunately in the process, I let go of my grip on his briefcase. And it fell. I instantly turned back to meet his menacing glare. He placed his palms on the edge of the counter and moved out of the bar and that was when I bolted.

     I headed for the stairs and heard his loud footsteps behind me, catching up to me. I took three steps at a time and felt my heart beat three times as hard as it would normally. I raced down the landing into my bedroom and grabbed the door, pushing it but a few millimetres before closing, I began to feel my father pushing against the door from the outside and grunted as I pushed back, feeling the rug burn the sole of my feet. Panting, I drove my shoulder against the door, ignoring the pain.

     Suddenly, my body was thrown against the wall and my legs gave out as I felt myself falling. I looked up to find the door open and my dad looming over. On the floor, I began to move with my elbows, further into the room, away from him. He stalked me, reached down to yank me up by the hair and I winced in pain.

"Why do you always have to be so stupid!?" His backhand rammed against my cheek and I whimpered out in pain. He made the mistake of letting my hair go, he now had no grip on me. He raised his hand for another strike again. But I sidestepped and he couldn't stop his fist from slamming into the standing mirror.

The sound of glass shattering, hitting the tiled floor and his grunts of pain reached my ears as I picked up my phone from the bed and took off.


"Your dad deserves to be beaten to a pulp." Abel said, the anger evident in his tone.

     After running out of the house, leaving my injured father, I had called Abel and we had gone for a ride in his car. He'd bought us pizza and sodas. We were currently nestled in his parked car. He chair was reclined backwards for comfort, I was sat on him, facing the left. I was leaning against his shoulder with both my legs curled up on his laps. His left hand was casually atop my legs and his right hand was firmly holding onto my waist. The box of pizza was on my thighs.

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