Chapter 39

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gods of my village, smite me right now, please.

     Abel watched her smile falter, and he fumbled in his seat. The floodgates opened, and shame rained on him. The annoyance and jealousy he felt only a minute ago, fled, collapsing from his aura like he'd just shed his skin; he felt naked. Abel suddenly felt claustrophobic.

Let's go vent.

     Abel sprang up and seized the paper from her hand before walking past her and out of the room, his arm brushing her shoulder in the process. The minute he exited the classroom, the bell tolled and he hastened his footsteps as hordes of students emerged from all angles of the hallway.

"Abel, wait!" He was able to make out her voice.

She can't possibly be after you...


Okay, she is...


This time, he halted and turned around. Guilt engulfed him when he saw her elbowing her way over to him.

Through his peripheral vision, Abel detected enemies and darted his eyes to see Bola and Kelechi swaggering out of a classroom. The duo exchanged glances with him then looked to Lucky, they reduced their pace as they approached her and purposely rammed their shoulders into hers, causing her to reel a tad backwards. Abel scowled and began moving towards them but Lucky had already made it to him, and she shoved him backwards.

"Hey, hey..." Lucky called, Abel had his eyes on the hooligans who were staring at him as they cackled whilst walking away. "What's your problem?"

"My problem?" He finally lowered his gaze to stare at her. "you're the one yelling my name like a lunatic!"

Lucky blinked, shocked at his choice of words. "Uh... Is this because -"

"yeah, that's why." He answered, knowing fully well what she was going to say.

They both stared at each other in silence for a while but he turned to walk away when he realised she could see the shame in his eyes.

"Abel -"

"What? What?" He gritted out, turning to face her again. "I'm ashamed yeah, that's it. You saw my pathetic grades, just go away and leave me be. I don't want to hear you preach right now."

Lucky's face softened.

"It wasn't that bad, it was just a few subjects." Lucky remarked. "Biology, math, everyone hates those subjects..."

"and what about the others?"

"Economics is pretty hard, I hate it too. CRS, I don't know what to say about that one. I know you're not muslim, so...are you a christian or an atheist?" Lucky countered cheekily.

It was Abel's turn to blink. "you're seriously asking me that... None, I'm buddhist."

"Oh come on." Lucky rolled her eyes, chuckling. "you don't have to be ashamed. We're friends, right? I wouldn't laugh at you or patronise you."

"yeah, you said that before."

"look, why don't you wait for me to judge you first before you lash out." I snapped. "Lower your guard."

Look who's talking... The girl with the great wall around her.

But then, Abel realised he was being melodramatic and irritating the one friend he had. So he mellowed, taking a deep breath, he apologised. "I'm sorry, I just -" Abel's apology was cut short.

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