Chapter 8

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     I groggily collapsed on the bed sinking into the soft mattress, my eyes had started to droop when I heard the soft ping alerting me I had just gotten a notification. I decided to ignore it but then my phone pinged two more times. I propped my elbows on my pillow and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. Unlocking it, I laid eyes on the awkward picture of Naomi's face up close to the camera, behind her, Linda was trying to force a kiss on my cheek, I was leaning away with a big grin on my face, pulling the dark blue baseball cap on my head down to the point it covered both my eyes.

I realised I was still online because that was my current Whatsapp profile picture. I exited settings to my recent chats. I had three messages from Abel Brown. We had exchanged numbers a few weeks ago. I saved his name with Brown because of his alluring brown eyes. I had a unique way of saving my contacts.

It's stupid...

Abel Brown

You're online - 12:35AM.

Why you still up? -12:35AM.

What, you a night owl like me?😏 - 12:36AM.

I slept off while changing my profile picture. - 12:36AM.

Then how are you replying me? - 12:36AM.

The notification alone couldn't have woken you up. - 12:36AM.

Uhm, I woke up to use the bathroom... - 12:37AM.

Then I got the text. - 12:37AM.

Hmmm... - 12:37AM.

👀 - 12:37AM.

Want to know what I was doing? - 12:38AM.

......yes - 12:38AM.

I was on fb. - 12:38AM.

Going through your pictures ... - 12:38AM.

Uhm cool... - 12:40AM.

Ik, stalker-ish... - 12:41AM.

Have I mentioned how beautiful you are? - 12:41AM.

How bright your smile is...? - 12:41AM.

How bad I want to be in a room with you just so I could watch you smile? - 12:42AM.

Lucky... - 12:42AM.

Yeah...? - 12:43AM.

Wamme to ruin you? Stay... - 12:44AM.

Wanna fix me? Stay... - 12:44AM.

I want you in my life. - 12:45AM.

And I never replied.

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