Chapter 14

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Ebimo Godson the badass



     Their spree had come to an end and now they were literally at their point of departure, sure It would be temporary but Abel felt a pang in his chest knowing his time with her had come to an end, he knew he would eventually see her at school but It wasn't the same. At school, Lucky barely talked to him and it stung him to the core. Abel hated it, he would be inching to talk to her but everything about her made him self-conscious. He was like The Hulk and she was the one thing that made him self aware of how much of a wreck he really was.

     The few times he'd spoken to her, she had ended up indirectly offending him and she'd ran away when things got serious – that is to say when he saw a bruise on her shoulder. Abel never stopped thinking about that day, he wondered why she'd gotten so sensitive when he had asked about It. Abel hated that he couldn't see through her, she was difficult to read but then again that was what allured him to her in the first place.

     Lucky stopped and turned to him, she looked up into his eyes, he no longer had his sunglasses on, she was content with his eyes solely on her, they somehow knew how to make her self-conscious but It was in a good way. They were at the front of her house, the gate to be specific.

"So... "He said, pushing out his bottom lip and creasing his eyebrows. She chuckled at the look on his face.

Damn boy...

Lucky said to herself.

"So...?"She uttered with a smile of her own.

"I'm sorry for uhm — that comment-" He started apologising but she interrupted him.

"It's fine." She replied, waving him off with her right hand.

"... I'm sorry if I came off as snobbish and pretentious." She added. "Even though I'm not any of those things... I am reserved but I'm not snobbish."

"It's cool..." He replied casually.

"Thanks for err...accompanying me to the market... and helping me carry the things..."

"... and for saving you from getting hit by a car." Abel cut in with a smug smile, Lucky chuckled softly, remembering her almost mishap.


"Here..." He handed her the bags, they had been staring at each other.

She collected them from him and he casually shoved his hands in his pockets. "See you later..." Lucky uttered whilst walking towards the gate even though her eyes were still on him.

Look where you're going! Before you run into the gate or trip fall, hit your head on the concrete ground and die!

Lucky mentally rolled my eyes at her subconscious mind.

Abel smirked and shot her a curt nod as he slowly backpedaled.

Seems like you're not the only one who will be tripping and falling to their death this afternoon.

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