Chapter 40

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Song For Chapter: Problem - Reekado Banks

A/N: Changed the cover photo back. You people wanted to kill me before. Btw, oceanbluesea_ shey you said you were missing Fabian...? This one's for you... 😏



     The gust of wind wafted the harsh smell of cannabis into Abel's nose, causing his nostrils flare reflexively. There was a time when the smell of marijuana would have made him sternutate but he had become accustomed to it. As a teenager, that had been one of his vices, he would smoke till he was stoned, drunk with ecstasy to fill the void. He used to harbor the thought that only the oblivion of hard drugs could eliminate his trauma but a few years ago, he'd dropped that vice. Sadly, he had only gone from one vice to another. He now liked to inflict injuries on himself.

Damned masochist, that's what you'll always be.

     Abel sauntered past the swimming pool, cautiously eyeing the area. He picked up the pace till he got to the entrance of the house and climbed the portico, the sole of his sport shoes squeaked upon coming in contact with the tiled floor. He punched the doorbell and waited for response, he punched it again but to no avail. Ten solid minutes later, the door opened to reveal a disoriented sweaty girl dressed in a maid's uniform.

"Sir, sorry I was busy with chores." She coughed out and opened the door further, allowing him in.

     Abel strode in, walking past the lobby to the spacious living room, he immediately made himself at home and plopped down on the two-seater leather sofa.

"Where's Femi?" He enquired, playing with the throw pillow.

"He'll be with you soon."

     Abel finally lifted his gaze to stare at the girl, carefully scrutinising her. The girl was no older than twenty-one, she was dark skinned and pretty; her features were angelic. Her natural hair was up in a small bun but loose strands stood at different angles, her lips were slightly swollen and her eyes were darting, avoiding his. She was petite but her busts were utterly huge – almost too huge for her tiny figure – the first three buttons of her skimpy uniform were unbuttoned, revealing the colour of her bra, Abel didn't think she noticed this.

Her chocolate skin was coated with sweat, darkening patches of her uniform in an unattractive manner. Sweat cascaded from her forehead, sliding down her temples, down her chin to her neck till it slid into her cleavage. Her uniform was so short, Abel was certain if she bent over she would flash the whole world her underpants. Abel tried not to stare too long at her quivering thighs as she stood before him, fidgeting on the spot.

Ah, I see what's happening here...!

"You said you were busy with chores, right?" Abel probed, resisting the urge to smirk.

"Eh — yes sir, I was!" She quickly retorted, frantically nodding her head.

"Ehn, get back to them na." Abel urged.

"Oh, yes!" With that, she scurried away.

Chores indeed!

     Abel burst into laughter, slouching and throwing his left ankle over his right knee.

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