Chapter 24

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Song for chapter: Clown - Emeli Sandé


"The play... Is it the one you're presenting after the second CAT? This friday?" Mr Collins asked and they both nodded. "So, Christine, If you were cast for acting, what were you doing with the guitar? I don't remember a guitar in Wedlock Of The gods."


"Sir, can I talk now?" Victor asked, when he received a 'yes', he released a dramatic sigh and started. "Mr Idris asked us to play the congo drums for the play, we agreed to meet up at the auditorium before closing. When I got there, I saw this one toying with my guitar."

"It's not yours!" Bukky roared in anger, I held her shoulder, calming her down.

Victor hissed and continued. "I told her to put it back where she saw it but she was forming gragra for me. Ehn, so I na decided to show her who is boss."

     I couldn't help but laugh, I looked up and found Abel chuckling too. Instantly, my laughter faded away and I darted my eyes, avoiding his.

"So, you now decided to punch her, hmm!?" Mr Collins glared at Victor.

"Can this one punch? With which hand? That hand that looks like fawol leg? (modified way of saying 'fowl')" Bukky sniggered.


I sniggered again but held my laughter in, I could see the smoke coming out of Victor's ears. "Shey you people are seeing her now? This girl is provoking me oh!"

"Is that why you are na crying...?" Bukky taunted him even though it was clear Victor wasn't crying.

I laughed.

Leave it to Bukky and her big mouth...

I love my little spitfire!

"I-I, I will... If I sound (slap) you!" Victor childishly stomped his foot on the ground and glared at her. "Who is crying here?!"

"Hey, hey, enough!" Mr Collins bellowed. "Tell me, how did that eye injury -"

"He poked my eye with the head of the guitar!"

"Hey.... Jesus Christ..." Victor cried out. "It's a lie oh! We were dragging It, she kicked my shin, I let go, and that was how It poked her eye. Next thing I know she's on top of me........... assaulting me."

     I wasn't surprised, Bukky had probably been planning on doing that for weeks, she saw the opening and took it, It didn't bother her that Victor was her senior or that he was a boy and might actually start throwing his own blows at her. It wasn't the first time she'd gotten into fights, Bukky had quite the vicious streak, I admired that about her.

We all turned to Bukky. "Christine, so, why did you na lie?" Mr Collins faced her. "Ehn?"


"You then now decided to jump on him and start loading his face with slaps, ehn?" The older man queried, Bukky simply fidgeted on the spot, he looked at her expectantly but she said nothing.


     Victor now wore a smug expression on his face, knowing the heat was now on Bukky.

"Since you don't want to reply me, I'm calling your father."

     At that, my stomach dropped and my heartthrob accelerated, I knew I had to intervene because having my father find out could be very detrimental for Bukky and I.

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