Part 28: More of Nikki Fuckin Sixx

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"Nineteen years," Nikki corrected me as he pulled his black t-shirt back on.

I frowned at him. "You were born in '58 and I was born in '78. That's twenty years."

"Yeah, but you were born at the beginning of '78 and I didn't turn twenty until that December. So, I was nineteen when you were born. Nineteen years. Not twenty." He sang at me with a smirk.

"Fine, if it makes you feel better then nineteen years it is." I chuckled and finished with the eyeliner then searched through his eye shadow pallets for something that wouldn't make me look like Satan's mistress.

"It makes me feel like less of a cradle robber," He pulled his belt through his pant loops and fastened it, looking up at me

"Where were you then?" I inquired, finally finding a shade of silver shadow that would work.

"March of '78? I was here in LA. Probably with London at that point. That timeline is a little foggy." He walked over to me and leaned against the vanity table, watching me apply color to my lids.

"What?" I wrinkled my brow at him when his stare lingered.

Nikki shrugged and cupped my chin in his hand, angling my face towards him. "I'm just trying to figure out how you think you can improve an already perfect face."

"Oh puh-lease," I rolled my eyes and let out a scoff while he grinned and softly chuckled. "That was a dorky line. Even for you."

"Wasn't a line, Sweet Girl. You're naturally beautiful and not the kind of woman who even needs makeup." He pushed himself off the counter to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I felt myself flush while my lips curved into a shy smile and my insides turned to goo. Nikki calling me "Sweet Girl" never failed to make me weak in the knees.

"Mhmm," I skeptically hummed and I locked eyes with him in the mirror, trying to keep my head on straight. He smirked back at me and moved his arms up to wrap around my ribs and pull me closer. I finished my eyes and placed my hands over his, leaning back to rest against his chest.

"It's true. You are gorgeous. Vince saw you earlier and asked me who the smoke show was."

"What did you tell him?" I laughed, knowing he probably marked his territory.

"That you are Tommy's assistant and off limits to the band. And that he isn't your type." He shot me a devilish grin and let out a wicked chuckle. That couldn't be good.

"Not my type? Meaning?"

"That you like pussy and he should forget about it."

"Nice." I smacked his arm and pursed my lips at him.

"I thought so," He continued to smirk, obviously very proud of himself. "What are you gonna do after the show?"

"Go straight home. I still need to pack. And bake."

"Bake? Why, what's wrong?"

I smiled and turned to face him, my arms wrapping around his neck. "Nothing is wrong. Tommy decided that he has to have my world famous chocolate chip cookies for the bus. I made the dough today so I can bake while I pack.

Nikki dropped his jaw dramatically and feigned offense. "Tommy gets your cookies and I don't?"

I rolled my eyes. "You are such a brat. Yes, Tommy gets my cookies. But I ride your dick so who's the real winner here?"

"Hmm." Nikki hummed and furrowed his brow as if considering my words.

"Really? You're seriously weighing that?" I huffed at him, knowing he was teasing me. So I teased back. "Fine. If you think Tommy is getting the better end of the deal I'm sure he wouldn't mind trading if...OW!!"

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