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at times when jeongguk felt frustrated or annoyed, he used to grumpily sit on the couch with arms crossed, brows furrowed and his mother would tackle him by giving him smooches or some treats for which he easily gave in. but at present it was downright contrasting, his mother barely noticed him and went on embracing jimin.

with a deep frown on his face, jeongguk frustratingly kept ringing the door bell causing his mother to yell from the kitchen, "jimin-sii can you please check the door for me!?"

"sure!" jimin yelled back so that it would reach her ears. he sat on the couch whilst looking at jeongguk with a smug look as the younger sent him cute glares and stomped his feet impatiently.

'i'm not stepping in until you take your leave'

jeongguk signed at him and raised a brow when jimin chuckled.

"seems like you're gonna stay out the whole day." jimin chuckled and immediately regained his composure when he saw jeongguk's mother return with a glass of water that was handed to him.

"oh jeongguk!" she rushed towards the door and engulfed him in a warm hug and pulled away instantly when the younger didn't reciprocate. she straight away caught the resentment in her son's eyes and couldn't help but smile at how cute he was.

"i'm sorry baby i didn't see you there." she apologized sweetly but he only sent her a glare and pouted.

"how about i make it up to you?" his mother beamed whilst clasping her hands together. jeongguk looked at her warily and asked 'what?' with a sign of his hands.

"you and jimin-ssi can hangout after buying me these groceries." she said whilst searching for a list making his eyes enlarge as jimin choked on his water simultaneously.

"oh are you okay?" his mother asked whilst looking at jimin who gave a thumbs up and let out little coughs.

'i'll go by myself?'

"no baby, jimin would be a great help and a good companion too!" she beamed and he internally face palmed. as much as jeongguk wanted to decline the stupid offer, he just couldn't say no to her and so huffed out a breath and nodded. "step inside and change your clothes." she moved aside to make him way and removed his bag. jeongguk gave one last glance at jimin and walked past him who whisper sang,

"it's gonna be a fun evening~"

࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇

"hey please boo it's so boring, cut that act!"

they both were strolling down the streets to head to the grocery and jeongguk felt his cheeks burn at the unfamiliar nickname. for the past few minutes jimin kept poking jeongguk so that he would cease his furrowed brows and grumpy attitude but it seemed like the younger one was not giving in yet.


a smile slipped on his lips unconsciously as he unfolded his arms.

"there you go!" jimin exclaimed with a wide grin.

"i have an idea. we're going play until you can't feel your lungs." before jeongguk could respond, jimin grabbed his wrists and bolted off the streets towards the nearby park. the younger pried his hands off once they reached and panted.

'why did you take me here?' he signed, still taking in deep breaths.

"to have fun of course." jimin entered inside the park with no care, even upon noticing the restricted board for ages above twelve and jeongguk visibly cringed at the slides and swings. someone as big as them entering the parks and playing would definitely be strange in few eyes. there were kids merrily playing everywhere, he watched as jimin sat on a swing and gave high fives to the kids who giggled back in return.

he looked at jeongguk and smiled, "come on!" he patted his hand on the swing next to him and when he didn't move, he sent the kids to drag him there.

"oppa! please play with us!" jeongguk shyly smiled at her words and followed her with a nod. he sat himself on the swing and pushed himself slightly as jimin did the same.

they both were enjoying each other's company, naturally indulging themselves in getting to know each other. most of the conversation was about jimin as jeongguk listened to him intently and shrugged off with a blush at the occasional teasings. 

jeongguk found the male really intriguing.

jimin's parents were not really satisfied with his occupation which made him feel a tint of pity. it was not his parents fault, everyone has their own preferences but that doesn't mean they can boss over their child's life and so jeongguk tried his best to console his friend who was really thankful at his attempt. the younger pondered how he had a lively and positive personality regardless of the situation he was going through. he had to hit himself mentally for mistaking jimin as a bad person.

stupid stupid.

their peaceful talk was soon interrupted when a loud sob reverberated around them.

they both looked up to see two kids walking towards them with tears trailing down their face and dresses dirtied by the mud. the little girl approached jimin who wiped her tears and enquired.

"op-oppa! i brought a chocolate and wanted to share it with him but he ate it all!" she spoke whilst hiccuping between her sentences as jimin tried shushing her but abruptly failed since she never seemed stop her cries.

"it's okay, i'll buy you another one. don't cry." hearing his soothing voice the girl seemed to calm down a little but the other kid broke down into a cry, making jimin to panic. jeongguk watched them amusingly and couldn't help to hold back the laughter at the sight of a flustered jimin.

"oh no please don't cry, i'll buy one for you too!" he managed to shush them both and instructed them to play without fighting and they thanked him with a kiss on his cheek. a sheepish grin took over his lips when jeongguk started laughing and he joined him soon after.

"i'm pretty good with kids." he muttered which only made jeongguk to break into a fit of quiet giggles.

'i can clearly see that' he signed and continued laughing as jimin looked up at him with a small smile.

how badly i wanna hear you laugh

with a shake of his head he stood up, motioning jeongguk to do the same.

"it's six already, let's get going."

࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇

never in his seventeen years of living, jeongguk had so badly regreted his life decisions. park jimin just seemed to annoy the shit of him whilst he was peacefully shopping. with his brows furrowed he took a cheerios box from the rack and threw it in the basket.

"that's so cute, only lil baby eats them." jimin muttered with a chuckle whilst trailing behind him and when jeongguk shot him a glare, he busied himself by trying to search something frantically.

jimin noticed him taking flours, condiments and what not. he scrunched his face and said,

"you is no fun!"

the nurse trailed down towards the desserts & ice cream aisle. he picked up various flavours and placed them into the basket that jeongguk was holding, startling him at the same time. when jeongguk nudged his head questioningly towards the boxes, jimin raised his hands up in surrender and spoke in a weak voice.

"my broke ass will pay for that....."


thanks for reading :") and fun fact: jimin is a crackhead!

i wonder if jimin bought chocolates to those kids....i bet he ate it all by himself.

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