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gently pressing the strings, jeongguk moved the bow up and down using his hand in a graceful manner, producing melodious tunes.

"nah nah!"

the piercing voice of his teacher abruptly interrupted his movements.

"one more time." mr. wong ordered and jeongguk laid his violin back in position and started playing smoothly. halfway through, his teacher stopped him again and questioned,

"is it tuned?"

jeongguk hesitantly shook his head in response.

"come here." he called him with a motion of his hands and the younger didn't fail to catch the small smirk playing on his lips.

jeongguk trembled in despair, it was always like this, every single time during the class his teacher would always harass and abuse him. he would always shut his mouth about this to his mother since he thought it would just add a weigh to all her burdens, as if she was not distressed enough by her workplace.

he also deeply loved playing the violin and so took all the pain in just to play this mere thing. on the other hand mr. wong- knowing that he is mute, shamelessly took all the advantages and harassed him. jeongguk could file a case or make a complaint immediately but he just couldn't bring himself up for any of it as he was scared, scared of everything that could ensue.

the younger moved his trembling legs towards him, his chapped lips wobbling in fear. the teacher grabbed his violin and motioned jeongguk to take a seat on the couch who complied. he placed the instrument on his lap and turned towards him, raising his hands and placing it on his cheek. the raven haired slightly flinched when he felt wong's cold, dirty hand on his skin and his breath hitched when they moved around, making him to shudder in disgust.

"look how pretty you are..." those words, not even an ounce bit made him feel good.

he merely felt disgusted.

the latter's hands slowly travelled down to his neck and jeongguk closed his eyes, wanting to end himself. he just sat there, letting a man roam his hands all over him without refusing his sickening touch and he loathed himself for that.

why couldn't he do anything?

why couldn't he protect himself?

you're a pathetic shit jeongguk, that's what you are.

he couldn't fight for his dignity, he couldn't fight for himself then what was the point of this life?

"you look like you could take me in so good huh?"

upon hearing those odious words, jeongguk lost it.

he followed what his gut guided him to and stood up in a blink of an eye, grabbing the violin along with its bag and scuttled out of the room, ignoring the loud calls from wong as his legs paced as far as it could take him.

his teacher must be thankful because he was on the verge of breaking his head with the instrument. he exhaled a sigh of relief when he found himself far away from the building. ceasing his steps, he slightly kneeled and took in deep breaths in order to stop panting.

his heart thudded rapidly as he inhaled a large amount of air and calmed himself down. stuffing the violin inside the bag, he decided to take a seat on the bench near the bus stop and waited for a bus to head home. wiping his sweat with the sleeves of his shirt, jeongguk turned to his left when he felt the rust-covered, metal bench shake vigorously.

his eyes were met with a familiar male, who shook his head over dramatically with earphones plugged in his ears.

jimin shook his whole body whilst mumbling bits of the lyrics but what annoyed jeongguk was how he shook the bench as well, it made a screeching noise which irked him a little. without any hesitation he snatched away jimin's earphones, having enough of his dancing shit.

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