Chapter 42

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"hyung, why'd you jump anyway?" Youngjae asked

"We were sneaking out and that devil child over there told me I won't get hurt if I jumped."

"I never said that. I said you'll be fine, not that you won't get hurt."

Jinyoung glared at her as she started laughing yet again.

"Where were you two going?" Mark said.

"I don't know" Jinyoung replied.

"How about we all go somewhere?" Jackson suggested.

They all agreed, except Jinyoung. He claims he can't walk but Bri knew what he's doing. While everyone was gone, he'd get the house to himself. Clever right? The guys all got dressed and left with Bri.

"Where are we going?" Bri asked.

"To the mall" Bambam replied, ps he was driving.

"Alright, who's going to stay with Bri?" JB asked.

"Me and Bambam will stay with her" Yugyeom said.

"We'll all meet at the car at 9"

"Why 9?" Bri asked

"Cause Jinyoung doesn't want us in the house until 9"

"Makes sense"

We all eventually got to the mall. We all split up and went different ways. Bambam, Yugyeom and Bri walked into many different stores. And Bri asked for anything she saw that she wanted.

And of course, Yugyeom and Bambam got her just about everything. They continued walking into to different stores and getting different things. While they were in one store, Bri happened to notice something.

There was a tv in the store and it was set to the news channel. Bri couldn't really hear what was being said. She saw a picture of Judy followed by captions saying:

"Judy, age 27, has escaped from prison earlier today. Police are unsure if her current location and ask that if anyone sees her, to call them. More on this topic tonight."

Meanwhile, Jinyoung was watching the news in his room. He saw that Judy escaped and he called the guys, telling them to stay with Bri and keep her in their sight at all times.  But what was about to happen, no one was ready for.

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